maplibregl module¶
The maplibregl module provides the Map class for creating interactive maps using the maplibre.ipywidget module.
Map (MapWidget)
The Map class inherits from the MapWidget class of the maplibre.ipywidget module.
Source code in leafmap/
class Map(MapWidget):
"""The Map class inherits from the MapWidget class of the maplibre.ipywidget module."""
def __init__(
center: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 20),
zoom: float = 1,
pitch: float = 0,
bearing: float = 0,
style: str = "dark-matter",
height: str = "600px",
controls: Dict[str, str] = {
"navigation": "top-right",
"fullscreen": "top-right",
"scale": "bottom-left",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Create a Map object.
center (tuple, optional): The center of the map (lon, lat). Defaults
to (0, 20).
zoom (float, optional): The zoom level of the map. Defaults to 1.
pitch (float, optional): The pitch of the map. Measured in degrees
away from the plane of the screen (0-85) Defaults to 0.
bearing (float, optional): The bearing of the map. Measured in degrees
counter-clockwise from north. Defaults to 0.
style (str, optional): The style of the map. It can be a string or a URL.
If it is a string, it must be one of the following: "dark-matter", "positron",
"carto-positron", "voyager", "positron-nolabels", "dark-matter-nolabels",
"voyager-nolabels", "demotiles", "liberty", "bright", or "positron2".
If a MapTiler API key is set, you can also use any of the MapTiler styles,
such as aquarelle, backdrop, basic, bright, dataviz, landscape, ocean,
openstreetmap, outdoor, satellite, streets, toner, topo, winter, etc.
If it is a URL, it must point to a MapLibre style JSON. Defaults to "dark-matter".
height (str, optional): The height of the map. Defaults to "600px".
controls (dict, optional): The controls and their positions on the
map. Defaults to {"fullscreen": "top-right", "scale": "bottom-left"}.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the MapOptions class.
for more information.
carto_basemaps = [
openfreemap_basemaps = [
if isinstance(style, str):
if style.startswith("https"):
response = requests.get(style)
if response.status_code != 200:
"The provided style URL is invalid. Falling back to 'dark-matter'."
style = "dark-matter"
elif style.startswith("3d-"):
style = maptiler_3d_style(
style=style.replace("3d-", "").lower(),
exaggeration=kwargs.pop("exaggeration", 1),
tile_size=kwargs.pop("tile_size", 512),
hillshade=kwargs.pop("hillshade", True),
elif style.lower() in carto_basemaps:
style = construct_carto_basemap_url(style.lower())
elif style.lower() in openfreemap_basemaps:
if style == "positron2":
style = "positron"
style = f"{style.lower()}"
elif style == "demotiles":
style = ""
elif "background-" in style:
color = style.split("-")[1]
style = background(color)
style = construct_maptiler_style(style)
if style in carto_basemaps:
style = construct_carto_basemap_url(style)
if style is not None:
kwargs["style"] = style
if len(controls) == 0:
kwargs["attribution_control"] = False
map_options = MapOptions(
center=center, zoom=zoom, pitch=pitch, bearing=bearing, **kwargs
super().__init__(map_options, height=height)
for control, position in controls.items():
self.add_control(control, position)
self.layer_dict = {}
self.layer_dict["background"] = {
"layer": Layer(id="background", type=LayerType.BACKGROUND),
"opacity": 1.0,
"visible": True,
"type": "background",
"color": None,
self._style = style
self.style_dict = {}
for layer in self.get_style_layers():
self.style_dict[layer["id"]] = layer
self.source_dict = {}
def show(self) -> None:
"""Displays the map."""
return Container(self)
def _repr_html_(self, **kwargs):
"""Displays the map."""
filename = os.environ.get("MAPLIBRE_OUTPUT", None)
replace_key = os.environ.get("MAPTILER_REPLACE_KEY", False)
if filename is not None:
self.to_html(filename, replace_key=replace_key)
def add_layer(
layer: "Layer",
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
) -> None:
Adds a layer to the map.
This method adds a layer to the map. If a name is provided, it is used
as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. Otherwise,
the layer's ID is used as the key. If a before_id is provided, the
layer is inserted before the layer with that ID.
layer (Layer): The layer object to add to the map.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
name (str, optional): The name to use as the key to store the layer
in the layer dictionary. If None, the layer's ID is used as the key.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible by default.
if isinstance(layer, dict):
if "minzoom" in layer:
layer["min-zoom"] = layer.pop("minzoom")
if "maxzoom" in layer:
layer["max-zoom"] = layer.pop("maxzoom")
layer = common.replace_top_level_hyphens(layer)
layer = Layer(**layer)
if name is None:
name =
if (
"paint" in layer.to_dict()
and f"{layer.type}-color" in layer.paint
and isinstance(layer.paint[f"{layer.type}-color"], str)
color = common.check_color(layer.paint[f"{layer.type}-color"])
color = None
self.layer_dict[name] = {
"layer": layer,
"opacity": opacity,
"visible": visible,
"type": layer.type,
"color": color,
super().add_layer(layer, before_id=before_id)
self.set_visibility(name, visible)
self.set_opacity(name, opacity)
def remove_layer(self, name: str) -> None:
Removes a layer from the map.
This method removes a layer from the map using the layer's name.
name (str): The name of the layer to remove.
super().add_call("removeLayer", name)
if name in self.layer_dict:
def add_deck_layers(self, layers: list[dict], tooltip: str | dict = None) -> None:
"""Add Deck.GL layers to the layer stack
layers (list[dict]): A list of dictionaries containing the Deck.GL layers to be added.
tooltip (str | dict): Either a single mustache template string applied to all layers
or a dictionary where keys are layer ids and values are mustache template strings.
super().add_deck_layers(layers, tooltip)
for layer in layers:
self.layer_dict[layer["id"]] = {
"layer": layer,
"opacity": layer.get("opacity", 1.0),
"visible": layer.get("visible", True),
"type": layer.get("@@type", "deck"),
"color": layer.get("getFillColor", "#ffffff"),
def add_arc_layer(
data: Union[str, pd.DataFrame],
src_lon: str,
src_lat: str,
dst_lon: str,
dst_lat: str,
src_color: List[int] = [255, 0, 0],
dst_color: List[int] = [255, 255, 0],
line_width: int = 2,
layer_id: str = "arc_layer",
pickable: bool = True,
tooltip: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Add a DeckGL ArcLayer to the map.
data (Union[str, pd.DataFrame]): The file path or DataFrame containing the data.
src_lon (str): The source longitude column name.
src_lat (str): The source latitude column name.
dst_lon (str): The destination longitude column name.
dst_lat (str): The destination latitude column name.
src_color (List[int]): The source color as an RGB list.
dst_color (List[int]): The destination color as an RGB list.
line_width (int): The width of the lines.
layer_id (str): The ID of the layer.
pickable (bool): Whether the layer is pickable.
tooltip (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The tooltip content or list of columns. Defaults to None.
**kwargs (Any): Additional arguments for the layer.
df = common.read_file(data)
if "geometry" in df.columns:
df = df.drop(columns=["geometry"])
arc_data = [
"source_position": [row[src_lon], row[src_lat]],
"target_position": [row[dst_lon], row[dst_lat]],
**row.to_dict(), # Include other columns
for _, row in df.iterrows()
# Generate tooltip template dynamically based on the columns
if tooltip is None:
columns = df.columns
elif isinstance(tooltip, list):
columns = tooltip
tooltip_content = "<br>".join([f"{col}: {{{{ {col} }}}}" for col in columns])
deck_arc_layer = {
"@@type": "ArcLayer",
"id": layer_id,
"data": arc_data,
"getSourcePosition": "@@=source_position",
"getTargetPosition": "@@=target_position",
"getSourceColor": src_color,
"getTargetColor": dst_color,
"getWidth": line_width,
"pickable": pickable,
layer_id: tooltip_content,
def add_control(
self, control: Union[str, Any], position: str = "top-right", **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
Adds a control to the map.
This method adds a control to the map. The control can be one of the
following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', "attribution",
and "draw". If the control is a string, it is converted to the
corresponding control object. If the control is not a string, it is
assumed to be a control object.
control (str or object): The control to add to the map. Can be one
of the following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation',
"attribution", and "draw".
position (str, optional): The position of the control. Defaults to "top-right".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the control object.
ValueError: If the control is a string and is not one of the
following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', "attribution".
if isinstance(control, str):
control = control.lower()
if control == "scale":
control = ScaleControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "fullscreen":
control = FullscreenControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "geolocate":
control = GeolocateControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "navigation":
control = NavigationControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "attribution":
control = AttributionControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "draw":
self.add_draw_control(position=position, **kwargs)
elif control == "layers":
self.add_layer_control(position=position, **kwargs)
"Control can only be one of the following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', and 'draw'."
super().add_control(control, position)
def add_draw_control(
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
controls: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
position: str = "top-left",
geojson: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a drawing control to the map.
This method enables users to add interactive drawing controls to the map,
allowing for the creation, editing, and deletion of geometric shapes on
the map. The options, position, and initial GeoJSON can be customized.
options (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Configuration options for the
drawing control. Defaults to None.
controls (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): The drawing controls to enable.
Can be one or more of the following: 'polygon', 'line_string',
'point', 'trash', 'combine_features', 'uncombine_features'.
Defaults to None.
position (str): The position of the control on the map. Defaults
to "top-left".
geojson (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Initial GeoJSON data to load
into the drawing control. Defaults to None.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the
drawing control.
from maplibre.plugins import MapboxDrawControls, MapboxDrawOptions
if isinstance(controls, list):
args = {}
for control in controls:
if control == "polygon":
args["polygon"] = True
elif control == "line_string":
args["line_string"] = True
elif control == "point":
args["point"] = True
elif control == "trash":
args["trash"] = True
elif control == "combine_features":
args["combine_features"] = True
elif control == "uncombine_features":
args["uncombine_features"] = True
options = MapboxDrawOptions(
options=options, position=position, geojson=geojson, **kwargs
def save_draw_features(self, filepath: str, indent=4, **kwargs) -> None:
Saves the drawn features to a file.
This method saves all features created with the drawing control to a
specified file in GeoJSON format. If there are no features to save, the
file will not be created.
filepath (str): The path to the file where the GeoJSON data will be saved.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to be passed to json.dump for custom serialization.
ValueError: If the feature collection is empty.
import json
if len(self.draw_feature_collection_all) > 0:
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
json.dump(self.draw_feature_collection_all, f, indent=indent, **kwargs)
print("There are no features to save.")
def add_source(self, id: str, source: Union[str, Dict]) -> None:
Adds a source to the map.
id (str): The ID of the source.
source (str or dict): The source data. .
super().add_source(id, source)
self.source_dict[id] = source
def set_center(self, lon: float, lat: float, zoom: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Sets the center of the map.
This method sets the center of the map to the specified longitude and latitude.
If a zoom level is provided, it also sets the zoom level of the map.
lon (float): The longitude of the center of the map.
lat (float): The latitude of the center of the map.
zoom (int, optional): The zoom level of the map. If None, the zoom
level is not changed.
center = [lon, lat]
self.add_call("setCenter", center)
if zoom is not None:
self.add_call("setZoom", zoom)
def set_zoom(self, zoom: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Sets the zoom level of the map.
This method sets the zoom level of the map to the specified value.
zoom (int): The zoom level of the map.
self.add_call("setZoom", zoom)
def fit_bounds(
self, bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], options: Dict = None
) -> None:
Adjusts the viewport of the map to fit the specified geographical bounds
in the format of [[lon_min, lat_min], [lon_max, lat_max]] or
[lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max].
This method adjusts the viewport of the map so that the specified geographical bounds
are visible in the viewport. The bounds are specified as a list of two points,
where each point is a list of two numbers representing the longitude and latitude.
bounds (list): A list of two points representing the geographical bounds that
should be visible in the viewport. Each point is a list of two
numbers representing the longitude and latitude. For example,
[[32.958984, -5.353521],[43.50585, 5.615985]]
options (dict, optional): Additional options for fitting the bounds.
if options is None:
options = {}
if isinstance(bounds, list):
if len(bounds) == 4 and all(isinstance(i, (int, float)) for i in bounds):
bounds = [[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]]
options["animate"] = options.get("animate", True)
self.add_call("fitBounds", bounds, options)
def add_basemap(
basemap: Union[str, xyzservices.TileProvider] = None,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
attribution: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a basemap to the map.
This method adds a basemap to the map. The basemap can be a string from
predefined basemaps, an instance of xyzservices.TileProvider, or a key
from the basemaps dictionary.
basemap (str or TileProvider, optional): The basemap to add. Can be
one of the predefined strings, an instance of xyzservices.TileProvider,
or a key from the basemaps dictionary. Defaults to None, which adds
the basemap widget.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the basemap. Defaults to 1.0.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the basemap is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution text to display for the
basemap. If None, the attribution text is taken from the basemap
or the TileProvider. Defaults to None.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the
RasterTileSource class. See for more information.
ValueError: If the basemap is not one of the predefined strings,
not an instance of TileProvider, and not a key from the basemaps dictionary.
if basemap is None:
return self._basemap_widget()
map_dict = {
"ROADMAP": "Google Maps",
"SATELLITE": "Google Satellite",
"TERRAIN": "Google Terrain",
"HYBRID": "Google Hybrid",
name = basemap
url = None
max_zoom = 30
min_zoom = 0
if isinstance(basemap, str) and basemap.upper() in map_dict:
layer = common.get_google_map(basemap.upper(), **kwargs)
url = layer.url
name =
attribution = layer.attribution
elif isinstance(basemap, xyzservices.TileProvider):
name =
url = basemap.build_url()
if attribution is None:
attribution = basemap.attribution
if "max_zoom" in basemap.keys():
max_zoom = basemap["max_zoom"]
if "min_zoom" in basemap.keys():
min_zoom = basemap["min_zoom"]
elif basemap in basemaps:
url = basemaps[basemap]["url"]
if attribution is None:
attribution = basemaps[basemap]["attribution"]
if "max_zoom" in basemaps[basemap]:
max_zoom = basemaps[basemap]["max_zoom"]
if "min_zoom" in basemaps[basemap]:
min_zoom = basemaps[basemap]["min_zoom"]
"Basemap can only be one of the following:\n {}".format(
"\n ".join(basemaps.keys())
raster_source = RasterTileSource(
if layer_name is None:
if name == "OpenStreetMap.Mapnik":
layer_name = "OpenStreetMap"
layer_name = name
layer = Layer(id=layer_name, source=raster_source, type=LayerType.RASTER)
self.set_opacity(layer_name, opacity)
self.set_visibility(layer_name, visible)
def add_geojson(
data: Union[str, Dict],
layer_type: Optional[str] = None,
filter: Optional[Dict] = None,
paint: Optional[Dict] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
visible: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
fit_bounds_options: Dict = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a GeoJSON layer to the map.
This method adds a GeoJSON layer to the map. The GeoJSON data can be a
URL to a GeoJSON file or a GeoJSON dictionary. If a name is provided, it
is used as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. Otherwise,
a random name is generated.
data (str | dict): The GeoJSON data. This can be a URL to a GeoJSON
file or a GeoJSON dictionary.
layer_type (str, optional): The type of the layer. It can be one of
the following: 'circle', 'fill', 'fill-extrusion', 'line', 'symbol',
'raster', 'background', 'heatmap', 'hillshade'. If None, the type
is inferred from the GeoJSON data.
filter (dict, optional): The filter to apply to the layer. If None,
no filter is applied.
paint (dict, optional): The paint properties to apply to the layer.
If None, no paint properties are applied.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. If None, a random name
is generated.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of the
map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the GeoJSONSource class.
fit_bounds_options (dict, optional): Additional options for fitting the bounds.
for more information.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class.
See for more info.
ValueError: If the data is not a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.
bounds = None
geom_type = None
if isinstance(data, str):
if os.path.isfile(data) or data.startswith("http"):
data = gpd.read_file(data).__geo_interface__
bounds = get_bounds(data)
source = GeoJSONSource(data=data, **source_args)
raise ValueError("The data must be a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.")
elif isinstance(data, dict):
source = GeoJSONSource(data=data, **source_args)
bounds = get_bounds(data)
raise ValueError("The data must be a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.")
if name is None:
layer_names = list(self.layer_dict.keys())
if "geojson" not in layer_names:
name = "geojson"
name = f"geojson_{common.random_string()}"
if filter is not None:
kwargs["filter"] = filter
if paint is None:
if "features" in data:
geom_type = data["features"][0]["geometry"]["type"]
elif "geometry" in data:
geom_type = data["geometry"]["type"]
if geom_type in ["Point", "MultiPoint"]:
if layer_type is None:
layer_type = "circle"
paint = {
"circle-radius": 5,
"circle-color": "#3388ff",
"circle-stroke-color": "#ffffff",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
elif geom_type in ["LineString", "MultiLineString"]:
if layer_type is None:
layer_type = "line"
paint = {"line-color": "#3388ff", "line-width": 2}
elif geom_type in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]:
if layer_type is None:
layer_type = "fill"
paint = {
"fill-color": "#3388ff",
"fill-opacity": 0.8,
"fill-outline-color": "#ffffff",
if paint is not None:
kwargs["paint"] = paint
layer = Layer(
self.add_layer(layer, before_id=before_id, name=name, visible=visible)
if fit_bounds and bounds is not None:
self.fit_bounds(bounds, fit_bounds_options)
if isinstance(paint, dict) and f"{layer_type}-opacity" in paint:
self.set_opacity(name, paint[f"{layer_type}-opacity"])
self.set_opacity(name, 1.0)
def add_vector(
data: Union[str, Dict],
layer_type: Optional[str] = None,
filter: Optional[Dict] = None,
paint: Optional[Dict] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
visible: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a vector layer to the map.
This method adds a vector layer to the map. The vector data can be a
URL or local file path to a vector file. If a name is provided, it
is used as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. Otherwise,
a random name is generated.
data (str | dict): The vector data. This can be a URL or local file
path to a vector file.
layer_type (str, optional): The type of the layer. If None, the type
is inferred from the GeoJSON data.
filter (dict, optional): The filter to apply to the layer. If None,
no filter is applied.
paint (dict, optional): The paint properties to apply to the layer.
If None, no paint properties are applied.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. If None, a random name
is generated.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of the
map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the GeoJSONSource class.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class.
ValueError: If the data is not a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.
if not isinstance(data, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
data = gpd.read_file(data).__geo_interface__
data = data.__geo_interface__
def add_gdf(
gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
layer_type: Optional[str] = None,
filter: Optional[Dict] = None,
paint: Optional[Dict] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
visible: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a vector layer to the map.
This method adds a GeoDataFrame to the map as a vector layer.
gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The GeoDataFrame to add to the map.
layer_type (str, optional): The type of the layer. If None, the type
is inferred from the GeoJSON data.
filter (dict, optional): The filter to apply to the layer. If None,
no filter is applied.
paint (dict, optional): The paint properties to apply to the layer.
If None, no paint properties are applied.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. If None, a random name
is generated.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of the
map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the GeoJSONSource class.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class.
ValueError: If the data is not a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.
if not isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
raise ValueError("The data must be a GeoDataFrame.")
geojson = gdf.__geo_interface__
def add_tile_layer(
url: str,
name: str = "Tile Layer",
attribution: str = "",
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
tile_size: int = 256,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a TileLayer to the map.
This method adds a TileLayer to the map. The TileLayer is created from
the specified URL, and it is added to the map with the specified
name, attribution, visibility, and tile size.
url (str): The URL of the tile layer.
name (str, optional): The name to use for the layer. Defaults to '
Tile Layer'.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution to use for the layer.
Defaults to ''.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer should be visible by
default. Defaults to True.
tile_size (int, optional): The size of the tiles in the layer.
Defaults to 256.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the RasterTileSource class.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class.
See for more information.
raster_source = RasterTileSource(
layer = Layer(id=name, source=raster_source, type=LayerType.RASTER, **kwargs)
self.add_layer(layer, before_id=before_id, name=name)
self.set_visibility(name, visible)
self.set_opacity(name, opacity)
def add_wms_layer(
url: str,
layers: str,
format: str = "image/png",
name: str = "WMS Layer",
attribution: str = "",
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
tile_size: int = 256,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a WMS layer to the map.
This method adds a WMS layer to the map. The WMS is created from
the specified URL, and it is added to the map with the specified
name, attribution, visibility, and tile size.
url (str): The URL of the tile layer.
layers (str): The layers to include in the WMS request.
format (str, optional): The format of the tiles in the layer.
name (str, optional): The name to use for the layer. Defaults to
'WMS Layer'.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution to use for the layer.
Defaults to ''.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer should be visible by
default. Defaults to True.
tile_size (int, optional): The size of the tiles in the layer.
Defaults to 256.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the RasterTileSource class.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class.
See for more information.
url = f"{url.strip()}?service=WMS&request=GetMap&layers={layers}&styles=&format={format.replace('/', '%2F')}&transparent=true&version=1.1.1&height=256&width=256&srs=EPSG%3A3857&bbox={{bbox-epsg-3857}}"
def add_ee_layer(
asset_id: str = None,
name: str = None,
opacity: float = 1.0,
attribution: str = "Google Earth Engine",
visible: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
ee_initialize: bool = False,
) -> None:
Adds a Google Earth Engine tile layer to the map based on the tile layer URL from
ee_object (object): The Earth Engine object to display.
vis_params (dict): Visualization parameters. For example, {'min': 0, 'max': 100}.
asset_id (str): The ID of the Earth Engine asset.
name (str, optional): The name of the tile layer. If not provided,
the asset ID will be used. Default is None.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the tile layer (0 to 1).
Default is 1.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution text to be displayed.
Default is "Google Earth Engine".
visible (bool, optional): Whether the tile layer should be shown on
the map. Default is True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
ee_initialize (bool, optional): Whether to initialize the Earth Engine
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying
`add_tile_layer` method.
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(asset_id, str):
df = pd.read_csv(
asset_id = asset_id.strip()
if name is None:
name = asset_id
if asset_id in df["id"].values:
url = df.loc[df["id"] == asset_id, "url"].values[0]
print(f"The provided EE tile layer {asset_id} does not exist.")
elif ee_object is not None:
import geemap
from geemap.ee_tile_layers import _get_tile_url_format
if ee_initialize:
url = _get_tile_url_format(ee_object, vis_params)
if name is None:
name = "EE Layer"
except Exception as e:
"Please install the `geemap` package to use the `add_ee_layer` function."
def add_cog_layer(
url: str,
name: Optional[str] = None,
attribution: str = "",
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
bands: Optional[List[int]] = None,
nodata: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 0,
titiler_endpoint: str = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) TileLayer to the map.
This method adds a COG TileLayer to the map. The COG TileLayer is created
from the specified URL, and it is added to the map with the specified name,
attribution, opacity, visibility, and bands.
url (str): The URL of the COG tile layer.
name (str, optional): The name to use for the layer. If None, a
random name is generated. Defaults to None.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution to use for the layer.
Defaults to ''.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer should be visible by default.
Defaults to True.
bands (list, optional): A list of bands to use for the layer.
Defaults to None.
nodata (float, optional): The nodata value to use for the layer.
titiler_endpoint (str, optional): The endpoint of the titiler service.
Defaults to "".
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of
the map to fit the bounds of the layer. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments, including bidx, expression,
nodata, unscale, resampling, rescale, color_formula, colormap,
colormap_name, return_mask. See
To select a certain bands, use bidx=[1, 2, 3]. apply a
rescaling to multiple bands, use something like
if name is None:
name = "COG_" + common.random_string()
tile_url = common.cog_tile(
url, bands, titiler_endpoint, nodata=nodata, **kwargs
bounds = common.cog_bounds(url, titiler_endpoint)
tile_url, name, attribution, opacity, visible, before_id=before_id
if fit_bounds:
self.fit_bounds([[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]])
def add_stac_layer(
url: Optional[str] = None,
collection: Optional[str] = None,
item: Optional[str] = None,
assets: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
bands: Optional[List[str]] = None,
nodata: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 0,
titiler_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
name: str = "STAC Layer",
attribution: str = "",
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a STAC TileLayer to the map.
This method adds a STAC TileLayer to the map. The STAC TileLayer is
created from the specified URL, collection, item, assets, and bands, and
it is added to the map with the specified name, attribution, opacity,
visibility, and fit bounds.
url (str, optional): HTTP URL to a STAC item, e.g.,
Defaults to None.
collection (str, optional): The Microsoft Planetary Computer STAC
collection ID, e.g., landsat-8-c2-l2. Defaults to None.
item (str, optional): The Microsoft Planetary Computer STAC item ID, e.g.,
LC08_L2SP_047027_20201204_02_T1. Defaults to None.
assets (str | list, optional): The Microsoft Planetary Computer STAC asset ID,
e.g., ["SR_B7", "SR_B5", "SR_B4"]. Defaults to None.
bands (list, optional): A list of band names, e.g.,
["SR_B7", "SR_B5", "SR_B4"]. Defaults to None.
no_data (int | float, optional): The nodata value to use for the layer.
titiler_endpoint (str, optional): Titiler endpoint, e.g., "",
"planetary-computer", "pc". Defaults to None.
name (str, optional): The layer name to use for the layer. Defaults to 'STAC Layer'.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution to use. Defaults to ''.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.
visible (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether the layer should
be on by default. Defaults to True.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether the map should
be zoomed to the layer extent. Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments, including bidx, expression,
nodata, unscale, resampling, rescale, color_formula, colormap,
colormap_name, return_mask. See
and To select
a certain bands, use bidx=[1, 2, 3]. apply a rescaling to multiple
bands, use something like `rescale=["164,223","130,211","99,212"]`.
if "colormap_name" in kwargs and kwargs["colormap_name"] is None:
tile_url = common.stac_tile(
bounds = common.stac_bounds(url, collection, item, titiler_endpoint)
tile_url, name, attribution, opacity, visible, before_id=before_id
if fit_bounds:
self.fit_bounds([[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]])
def add_raster(
client_args={"cors_all": True},
"""Add a local raster dataset to the map.
If you are using this function in JupyterHub on a remote server
(e.g., Binder, Microsoft Planetary Computer) and if the raster
does not render properly, try installing jupyter-server-proxy using
`pip install jupyter-server-proxy`, then running the following code
before calling this function. For more info, see
import os
os.environ['LOCALTILESERVER_CLIENT_PREFIX'] = 'proxy/{port}'
source (str): The path to the GeoTIFF file or the URL of the Cloud
Optimized GeoTIFF.
indexes (int, optional): The band(s) to use. Band indexing starts
at 1. Defaults to None.
colormap (str, optional): The name of the colormap from `matplotlib`
to use when plotting a single band.
Default is greyscale.
vmin (float, optional): The minimum value to use when colormapping
the palette when plotting a single band. Defaults to None.
vmax (float, optional): The maximum value to use when colormapping
the palette when plotting a single band. Defaults to None.
nodata (float, optional): The value from the band to use to interpret
as not valid data. Defaults to None.
attribution (str, optional): Attribution for the source raster. This
defaults to a message about it being a local file.. Defaults to None.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to use. Defaults to 'Raster'.
layer_index (int, optional): The index of the layer. Defaults to None.
zoom_to_layer (bool, optional): Whether to zoom to the extent of the
layer. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible. Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0.
array_args (dict, optional): Additional arguments to pass to
`array_to_memory_file` when reading the raster. Defaults to {}.
client_args (dict, optional): Additional arguments to pass to
localtileserver.TileClient. Defaults to { "cors_all": False }.
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
if isinstance(source, np.ndarray) or isinstance(source, xr.DataArray):
source = common.array_to_image(source, **array_args)
tile_layer, tile_client = common.get_local_tile_layer(
bounds = tile_client.bounds() # [ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax]
bounds = [[bounds[2], bounds[0]], [bounds[3], bounds[1]]]
# [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
if fit_bounds:
def to_html(
output: str = None,
title: str = "My Awesome Map",
width: str = "100%",
height: str = "100%",
replace_key: bool = False,
remove_port: bool = True,
preview: bool = False,
overwrite: bool = False,
"""Render the map to an HTML page.
output (str, optional): The output HTML file. If None, the HTML content
is returned as a string. Defaults
title (str, optional): The title of the HTML page. Defaults to 'My Awesome Map'.
width (str, optional): The width of the map. Defaults to '100%'.
height (str, optional): The height of the map. Defaults to '100%'.
replace_key (bool, optional): Whether to replace the API key in the HTML.
If True, the API key is replaced with the public API key.
The API key is read from the environment variable `MAPTILER_KEY`.
The public API key is read from the environment variable `MAPTILER_KEY_PUBLIC`.
Defaults to False.
remove_port (bool, optional): Whether to remove the port number from the HTML.
preview (bool, optional): Whether to preview the HTML file in a web browser.
Defaults to False.
overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite the output file if it already exists.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the
`maplibre.ipywidget.MapWidget.to_html()` method.
str: The HTML content of the map.
if isinstance(height, int):
height = f"{height}px"
if isinstance(width, int):
width = f"{width}px"
if "style" not in kwargs:
kwargs["style"] = f"width: {width}; height: {height};"
kwargs["style"] += f"width: {width}; height: {height};"
html = super().to_html(title=title, **kwargs)
if isinstance(height, str) and ("%" in height):
style_before = """</style>\n"""
style_after = (
"""html, body {height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;} #pymaplibregl {width: 100%; height: """
+ height
+ """;}\n</style>\n"""
html = html.replace(style_before, style_after)
div_before = f"""<div id="pymaplibregl" style="width: 100%; height: {height};"></div>"""
div_after = f"""<div id="pymaplibregl"></div>"""
html = html.replace(div_before, div_after)
div_before = f"""<div id="pymaplibregl" style="height: {height};"></div>"""
html = html.replace(div_before, div_after)
if replace_key or (os.getenv("MAPTILER_REPLACE_KEY") is not None):
key_before = common.get_api_key("MAPTILER_KEY")
key_after = common.get_api_key("MAPTILER_KEY_PUBLIC")
if key_after is not None:
html = html.replace(key_before, key_after)
if remove_port:
html = common.remove_port_from_string(html)
if output is None:
output = os.getenv("MAPLIBRE_OUTPUT", None)
if output:
if not overwrite and os.path.exists(output):
import glob
num = len(glob.glob(output.replace(".html", "*.html")))
output = output.replace(".html", f"_{num}.html")
with open(output, "w") as f:
if preview:
import webbrowser
return html
def set_paint_property(self, name: str, prop: str, value: Any) -> None:
Set the opacity of a layer.
This method sets the opacity of the specified layer to the specified value.
name (str): The name of the layer.
opacity (float): The opacity value to set.
super().set_paint_property(name, prop, value)
if "opacity" in prop and name in self.layer_dict:
self.layer_dict[name]["opacity"] = value
elif name in self.style_dict:
layer = self.style_dict[name]
if "paint" in layer:
layer["paint"][prop] = value
def set_layout_property(self, name: str, prop: str, value: Any) -> None:
Set the layout property of a layer.
This method sets the layout property of the specified layer to the specified value.
name (str): The name of the layer.
prop (str): The layout property to set.
value (Any): The value to set.
super().set_layout_property(name, prop, value)
if name in self.style_dict:
layer = self.style_dict[name]
if "layout" in layer:
layer["layout"][prop] = value
def set_color(self, name: str, color: str) -> None:
Set the color of a layer.
This method sets the color of the specified layer to the specified value.
name (str): The name of the layer.
color (str): The color value to set.
color = common.check_color(color)
name, f"{self.layer_dict[name]['layer'].type}-color", color
self.layer_dict[name]["color"] = color
def set_opacity(self, name: str, opacity: float) -> None:
Set the opacity of a layer.
This method sets the opacity of the specified layer to the specified value.
name (str): The name of the layer.
opacity (float): The opacity value to set.
if name in self.layer_dict:
layer_type = self.layer_dict[name]["layer"].to_dict()["type"]
prop_name = f"{layer_type}-opacity"
self.layer_dict[name]["opacity"] = opacity
elif name in self.style_dict:
layer = self.style_dict[name]
layer_type = layer.get("type")
prop_name = f"{layer_type}-opacity"
if "paint" in layer:
layer["paint"][prop_name] = opacity
super().set_paint_property(name, prop_name, opacity)
def set_visibility(self, name: str, visible: bool) -> None:
Set the visibility of a layer.
This method sets the visibility of the specified layer to the specified value.
name (str): The name of the layer.
visible (bool): The visibility value to set.
super().set_visibility(name, visible)
self.layer_dict[name]["visible"] = visible
def layer_interact(self, name=None):
"""Create a layer widget for changing the visibility and opacity of a layer.
name (str): The name of the layer.
ipywidgets.Widget: The layer widget.
layer_names = list(self.layer_dict.keys())
if name is None:
name = layer_names[-1]
elif name not in layer_names:
raise ValueError(f"Layer {name} not found.")
style = {"description_width": "initial"}
dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(
opacity_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(
color_picker = widgets.ColorPicker(
if self.layer_dict[name]["color"] is not None:
color_picker.value = self.layer_dict[name]["color"]
color_picker.disabled = False
color_picker.value = "white"
color_picker.disabled = True
def color_picker_event(change):
if self.layer_dict[dropdown.value]["color"] is not None:
color_picker.observe(color_picker_event, "value")
hbox = widgets.HBox(
[dropdown, checkbox, opacity_slider, color_picker],
def dropdown_event(change):
name =
checkbox.value = self.layer_dict[dropdown.value]["visible"]
opacity_slider.value = self.layer_dict[dropdown.value]["opacity"]
if self.layer_dict[dropdown.value]["color"] is not None:
color_picker.value = self.layer_dict[dropdown.value]["color"]
color_picker.disabled = False
color_picker.value = "white"
color_picker.disabled = True
dropdown.observe(dropdown_event, "value")
def update_layer(change):
self.set_visibility(dropdown.value, checkbox.value)
self.set_opacity(dropdown.value, opacity_slider.value)
checkbox.observe(update_layer, "value")
opacity_slider.observe(update_layer, "value")
return hbox
def style_layer_interact(self, id=None):
"""Create a layer widget for changing the visibility and opacity of a style layer.
id (str): The is of the layer.
ipywidgets.Widget: The layer widget.
layer_ids = list(self.style_dict.keys())
if id is None:
id = layer_ids[0]
elif id not in layer_ids:
raise ValueError(f"Layer {id} not found.")
layer = self.style_dict[id]
layer_type = layer.get("type")
style = {"description_width": "initial"}
dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
visibility = layer.get("layout", {}).get("visibility", "visible")
if visibility == "visible":
visibility = True
visibility = False
checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(
opacity = layer.get("paint", {}).get(f"{layer_type}-opacity", 1.0)
opacity_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(
def extract_rgb(rgba_string):
import re
# Extracting the RGB values using regex
rgb_tuple = tuple(map(int, re.findall(r"\d+", rgba_string)[:3]))
return rgb_tuple
color = layer.get("paint", {}).get(f"{layer_type}-color", "white")
if color.startswith("rgba"):
color = extract_rgb(color)
color = common.check_color(color)
color_picker = widgets.ColorPicker(
def color_picker_event(change):
self.set_paint_property(dropdown.value, f"{layer_type}-color",
color_picker.observe(color_picker_event, "value")
hbox = widgets.HBox(
[dropdown, checkbox, opacity_slider, color_picker],
def dropdown_event(change):
name =
layer = self.style_dict[name]
layer_type = layer.get("type")
visibility = layer.get("layout", {}).get("visibility", "visible")
if visibility == "visible":
visibility = True
visibility = False
checkbox.value = visibility
opacity = layer.get("paint", {}).get(f"{layer_type}-opacity", 1.0)
opacity_slider.value = opacity
color = layer.get("paint", {}).get(f"{layer_type}-color", "white")
if color.startswith("rgba"):
color = extract_rgb(color)
color = common.check_color(color)
if color:
color_picker.value = color
color_picker.disabled = False
color_picker.value = "white"
color_picker.disabled = True
dropdown.observe(dropdown_event, "value")
def update_layer(change):
dropdown.value, "visibility", "visible" if checkbox.value else "none"
dropdown.value, f"{layer_type}-opacity", opacity_slider.value
checkbox.observe(update_layer, "value")
opacity_slider.observe(update_layer, "value")
return hbox
def _basemap_widget(self, name=None):
"""Create a layer widget for changing the visibility and opacity of a layer.
name (str): The name of the layer.
ipywidgets.Widget: The layer widget.
layer_names = [
for basemap in basemaps.keys()
if "layers" not in basemaps[basemap]
if name is None:
name = layer_names[0]
elif name not in layer_names:
raise ValueError(f"Layer {name} not found.")
tile = basemaps[name]
raster_source = RasterTileSource(
layer = Layer(id=name, source=raster_source, type=LayerType.RASTER)
self.set_opacity(name, 1.0)
self.set_visibility(name, True)
style = {"description_width": "initial"}
dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(
opacity_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(
hbox = widgets.HBox(
[dropdown, checkbox, opacity_slider], layout=widgets.Layout(width="600px")
def dropdown_event(change):
old = change["old"]
name =
tile = basemaps[name]
raster_source = RasterTileSource(
layer = Layer(id=name, source=raster_source, type=LayerType.RASTER)
self.set_opacity(name, 1.0)
self.set_visibility(name, True)
checkbox.value = self.layer_dict[dropdown.value]["visible"]
opacity_slider.value = self.layer_dict[dropdown.value]["opacity"]
dropdown.observe(dropdown_event, "value")
def update_layer(change):
self.set_visibility(dropdown.value, checkbox.value)
self.set_opacity(dropdown.value, opacity_slider.value)
checkbox.observe(update_layer, "value")
opacity_slider.observe(update_layer, "value")
return hbox
def add_pmtiles(
url: str,
style: Optional[Dict] = None,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
exclude_mask: bool = False,
tooltip: bool = True,
properties: Optional[Dict] = None,
template: Optional[str] = None,
attribution: str = "PMTiles",
fit_bounds: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a PMTiles layer to the map.
url (str): The URL of the PMTiles file.
style (dict, optional): The CSS style to apply to the layer. Defaults to None.
See for more info.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer should be shown initially. Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0.
exclude_mask (bool, optional): Whether to exclude the mask layer. Defaults to False.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the layer. Defaults to True.
properties (dict, optional): The properties to use for the tooltips. Defaults to None.
template (str, optional): The template to use for the tooltips. Defaults to None.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution to use for the layer. Defaults to 'PMTiles'.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to zoom to the layer extent. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the PMTilesLayer constructor.
if "sources" in kwargs:
del kwargs["sources"]
if "version" in kwargs:
del kwargs["version"]
pmtiles_source = {
"type": "vector",
"url": f"pmtiles://{url}",
"attribution": attribution,
if style is None:
style = common.pmtiles_style(url)
if "sources" in style:
source_name = list(style["sources"].keys())[0]
elif "layers" in style:
source_name = style["layers"][0]["source"]
source_name = "source"
self.add_source(source_name, pmtiles_source)
style = common.replace_hyphens_in_keys(style)
for params in style["layers"]:
if exclude_mask and params.get("source_layer") == "mask":
layer = Layer(**params)
self.set_visibility(params["id"], visible)
if "paint" in params:
for key in params["paint"]:
if "opacity" in key:
self.set_opacity(params["id"], params["paint"][key])
self.set_opacity(params["id"], opacity)
if tooltip:
self.add_tooltip(params["id"], properties, template)
if fit_bounds:
metadata = common.pmtiles_metadata(url)
bounds = metadata["bounds"] # [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
self.fit_bounds([[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]])
except Exception as e:
def add_marker(
marker: Marker = None,
lng_lat: List[Union[float, float]] = [],
popup: Optional[Dict] = {},
options: Optional[Dict] = {},
) -> None:
Adds a marker to the map.
marker (Marker, optional): A Marker object. Defaults to None.
lng_lat (List[Union[float, float]]): A list of two floats
representing the longitude and latitude of the marker.
popup (Optional[str], optional): The text to display in a popup when
the marker is clicked. Defaults to None.
options (Optional[Dict], optional): A dictionary of options to
customize the marker. Defaults to None.
if marker is None:
marker = Marker(lng_lat=lng_lat, popup=popup, options=options)
def fly_to(
lon: float,
lat: float,
zoom: Optional[float] = None,
speed: Optional[float] = None,
essential: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Makes the map fly to a specified location.
lon (float): The longitude of the location to fly to.
lat (float): The latitude of the location to fly to.
zoom (Optional[float], optional): The zoom level to use when flying
to the location. Defaults to None.
speed (Optional[float], optional): The speed of the fly animation.
Defaults to None.
essential (bool, optional): Whether the flyTo animation is considered
essential and not affected by prefers-reduced-motion. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the flyTo function.
center = [lon, lat]
kwargs["center"] = center
if zoom is not None:
kwargs["zoom"] = zoom
if speed is not None:
kwargs["speed"] = speed
if essential:
kwargs["essential"] = essential
super().add_call("flyTo", kwargs)
def _read_image(self, image: str) -> Dict[str, Union[int, List[int]]]:
Reads an image from a URL or a local file path and returns a dictionary
with the image data.
image (str): The URL or local file path to the image.
Dict[str, Union[int, List[int]]]: A dictionary with the image width,
height, and flattened data.
ValueError: If the image argument is not a string representing a URL
or a local file path.
import os
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
if isinstance(image, str):
if image.startswith("http"):
image = common.download_file(
image, common.temp_file_path(image.split(".")[-1]), quiet=True
if os.path.exists(image):
img =
raise ValueError("The image file does not exist.")
width, height = img.size
# Convert image to numpy array and then flatten it
img_data = np.array(img, dtype="uint8")
if len(img_data.shape) == 3 and img_data.shape[2] == 2:
# Split the grayscale and alpha channels
gray_channel = img_data[:, :, 0]
alpha_channel = img_data[:, :, 1]
# Create the R, G, and B channels by duplicating the grayscale channel
R_channel = gray_channel
G_channel = gray_channel
B_channel = gray_channel
# Combine the channels into an RGBA image
RGBA_image_data = np.stack(
(R_channel, G_channel, B_channel, alpha_channel), axis=-1
# Update img_data to the new RGBA image data
img_data = RGBA_image_data
flat_img_data = img_data.flatten()
# Create the image dictionary with the flattened data
image_dict = {
"width": width,
"height": height,
"data": flat_img_data.tolist(), # Convert to list if necessary
return image_dict
except Exception as e:
return None
raise ValueError("The image must be a URL or a local file path.")
def add_image(
id: str = None,
image: Union[str, Dict] = None,
width: int = None,
height: int = None,
coordinates: List[float] = None,
position: str = None,
icon_size: float = 1.0,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add an image to the map.
id (str): The layer ID of the image.
image (Union[str, Dict, np.ndarray]): The URL or local file path to
the image, or a dictionary containing image data, or a numpy
array representing the image.
width (int, optional): The width of the image. Defaults to None.
height (int, optional): The height of the image. Defaults to None.
coordinates (List[float], optional): The longitude and latitude
coordinates to place the image.
position (str, optional): The position of the image. Defaults to None.
Can be one of 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left'.
icon_size (float, optional): The size of the icon. Defaults to 1.0.
import numpy as np
if id is None:
id = "image"
style = ""
if isinstance(width, int):
style += f"width: {width}px; "
elif isinstance(width, str) and width.endswith("px"):
style += f"width: {width}; "
if isinstance(height, int):
style += f"height: {height}px; "
elif isinstance(height, str) and height.endswith("px"):
style += f"height: {height}; "
if position is not None:
if style == "":
html = f'<img src="{image}">'
html = f'<img src="{image}" style="{style}">'
self.add_html(html, position=position, **kwargs)
if isinstance(image, str):
image_dict = self._read_image(image)
elif isinstance(image, dict):
image_dict = image
elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
image_dict = {
"width": width,
"height": height,
"data": image.flatten().tolist(),
raise ValueError(
"The image must be a URL, a local file path, or a numpy array."
super().add_call("addImage", id, image_dict)
if coordinates is not None:
source = {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": coordinates,
self.add_source("image_point", source)
kwargs["id"] = "image_points"
kwargs["type"] = "symbol"
kwargs["source"] = "image_point"
if "layout" not in kwargs:
kwargs["layout"] = {}
kwargs["layout"]["icon-image"] = id
kwargs["layout"]["icon-size"] = icon_size
def add_symbol(
source: str,
image: str,
icon_size: int = 1,
symbol_placement: str = "line",
minzoom: Optional[float] = None,
maxzoom: Optional[float] = None,
filter: Optional[Any] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a symbol to the map.
source (str): The source of the symbol.
image (str): The URL or local file path to the image. Default to the arrow image.
icon_size (int, optional): The size of the symbol. Defaults to 1.
symbol_placement (str, optional): The placement of the symbol. Defaults to "line".
minzoom (Optional[float], optional): The minimum zoom level for the symbol. Defaults to None.
maxzoom (Optional[float], optional): The maximum zoom level for the symbol. Defaults to None.
filter (Optional[Any], optional): A filter to apply to the symbol. Defaults to None.
name (Optional[str], optional): The name of the symbol layer. Defaults to None.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the layer layout.
For more info, see
id = f"image_{common.random_string(3)}"
self.add_image(id, image)
if name is None:
name = f"symbol_{common.random_string(3)}"
layer = {
"id": name,
"type": "symbol",
"source": source,
"layout": {
"icon-image": id,
"icon-size": icon_size,
"symbol-placement": symbol_placement,
if minzoom is not None:
layer["minzoom"] = minzoom
if maxzoom is not None:
layer["maxzoom"] = maxzoom
if filter is not None:
layer["filter"] = filter
kwargs = common.replace_underscores_in_keys(kwargs)
def add_arrow(
source: str,
image: Optional[str] = None,
icon_size: int = 0.1,
minzoom: Optional[float] = 19,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds an arrow symbol to the map.
source (str): The source layer to which the arrow symbol will be added.
image (Optional[str], optional): The URL of the arrow image.
Defaults to "".
icon_size (int, optional): The size of the icon. Defaults to 0.1.
minzoom (Optional[float], optional): The minimum zoom level at which
the arrow symbol will be visible. Defaults to 19.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_symbol method.
if image is None:
image = ""
self.add_symbol(source, image, icon_size, minzoom=minzoom, **kwargs)
def to_streamlit(
width: Optional[int] = None,
height: Optional[int] = 600,
scrolling: Optional[bool] = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
Convert the map to a Streamlit component.
This function converts the map to a Streamlit component by encoding the
HTML representation of the map as base64 and embedding it in an iframe.
The width, height, and scrolling parameters control the appearance of
the iframe.
width (Optional[int]): The width of the iframe. If None, the width
will be determined by Streamlit.
height (Optional[int]): The height of the iframe. Default is 600.
scrolling (Optional[bool]): Whether the iframe should be scrollable.
Default is False.
**kwargs (Any): Additional arguments to pass to the Streamlit iframe
Any: The Streamlit component.
Exception: If there is an error in creating the Streamlit component.
import streamlit.components.v1 as components # pylint: disable=E0401
import base64
raw_html = self.to_html().encode("utf-8")
raw_html = base64.b64encode(raw_html).decode()
return components.iframe(
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
def rotate_to(
self, bearing: float, options: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
Rotate the map to a specified bearing.
This function rotates the map to a specified bearing. The bearing is specified in degrees
counter-clockwise from true north. If the bearing is not specified, the map will rotate to
true north. Additional options and keyword arguments can be provided to control the rotation.
For more information, see
bearing (float): The bearing to rotate to, in degrees counter-clockwise from true north.
options (Dict[str, Any], optional): Additional options to control the rotation. Defaults to {}.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to control the rotation.
super().add_call("rotateTo", bearing, options, **kwargs)
def open_geojson(self, **kwargs: Any) -> widgets.FileUpload:
Creates a file uploader widget to upload a GeoJSON file. When a file is
uploaded, it is written to a temporary file and added to the map.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_geojson method.
widgets.FileUpload: The file uploader widget.
uploader = widgets.FileUpload(
accept=".geojson", # Accept GeoJSON files
multiple=False, # Only single file upload
description="Open GeoJSON",
def on_upload(change):
content = uploader.value[0]["content"]
temp_file = common.temp_file_path(extension=".geojson")
with open(temp_file, "wb") as f:
self.add_geojson(temp_file, **kwargs)
uploader.observe(on_upload, names="value")
return uploader
def pan_to(
lnglat: List[float],
options: Dict[str, Any] = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Pans the map to a specified location.
This function pans the map to the specified longitude and latitude coordinates.
Additional options and keyword arguments can be provided to control the panning.
For more information, see
lnglat (List[float, float]): The longitude and latitude coordinates to pan to.
options (Dict[str, Any], optional): Additional options to control the panning. Defaults to {}.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to control the panning.
super().add_call("panTo", lnglat, options, **kwargs)
def set_pitch(self, pitch: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Sets the pitch of the map.
This function sets the pitch of the map to the specified value. The pitch is the
angle of the camera measured in degrees where 0 is looking straight down, and 60 is
looking towards the horizon. Additional keyword arguments can be provided to control
the pitch. For more information, see
pitch (float): The pitch value to set.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to control the pitch.
super().add_call("setPitch", pitch, **kwargs)
def jump_to(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Jumps the map to a specified location.
This function jumps the map to the specified location with the specified options.
Additional keyword arguments can be provided to control the jump. For more information,
options (Dict[str, Any], optional): Additional options to control the jump. Defaults to {}.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to control the jump.
super().add_call("jumpTo", options, **kwargs)
def _get_3d_terrain_style(
exaggeration: float = 1,
token: str = "MAPTILER_KEY",
api_key: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the 3D terrain style for the map.
This function generates a style dictionary for the map that includes 3D terrain features.
The terrain exaggeration and API key can be specified. If the API key is not provided,
it will be retrieved using the specified token.
exaggeration (float, optional): The terrain exaggeration. Defaults to 1.
token (str, optional): The token to use to retrieve the API key. Defaults to "MAPTILER_KEY".
api_key (Optional[str], optional): The API key. If not provided, it will be retrieved using the token.
Dict[str, Any]: The style dictionary for the map.
ValueError: If the API key is not provided and cannot be retrieved using the token.
if api_key is None:
api_key = common.get_api_key(token)
if api_key is None:
print("An API key is required to use the 3D terrain feature.")
return "dark-matter"
layers = []
if satellite:
layers.append({"id": "satellite", "type": "raster", "source": "satellite"})
"id": "hills",
"type": "hillshade",
"source": "hillshadeSource",
"layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
"paint": {"hillshade-shadow-color": "#473B24"},
style = {
"version": 8,
"sources": {
"satellite": {
"type": "raster",
"tiles": [
+ api_key
"tileSize": 256,
"attribution": "© MapTiler",
"maxzoom": 19,
"terrainSource": {
"type": "raster-dem",
"url": f"{api_key}",
"tileSize": 256,
"hillshadeSource": {
"type": "raster-dem",
"url": f"{api_key}",
"tileSize": 256,
"layers": layers,
"terrain": {"source": "terrainSource", "exaggeration": exaggeration},
return style
def get_style(self):
Get the style of the map.
Dict: The style of the map.
if self._style is not None:
if isinstance(self._style, str):
response = requests.get(self._style)
style = response.json()
elif isinstance(self._style, dict):
style = self._style
style = {}
return style
return {}
def get_style_layers(self, return_ids=False, sorted=True) -> List[str]:
Get the names of the basemap layers.
List[str]: The names of the basemap layers.
style = self.get_style()
if "layers" in style:
layers = style["layers"]
if return_ids:
ids = [layer["id"] for layer in layers]
if sorted:
return ids
return layers
return []
def find_style_layer(self, id: str) -> Optional[Dict]:
Searches for a style layer in the map's current style by its ID and returns it if found.
id (str): The ID of the style layer to find.
Optional[Dict]: The style layer as a dictionary if found, otherwise None.
layers = self.get_style_layers()
for layer in layers:
if layer["id"] == id:
return layer
return None
def zoom_to(self, zoom: float, options: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Zooms the map to a specified zoom level.
This function zooms the map to the specified zoom level. Additional options and keyword
arguments can be provided to control the zoom. For more information, see
zoom (float): The zoom level to zoom to.
options (Dict[str, Any], optional): Additional options to control the zoom. Defaults to {}.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to control the zoom.
super().add_call("zoomTo", zoom, options, **kwargs)
def find_first_symbol_layer(self) -> Optional[Dict]:
Find the first symbol layer in the map's current style.
Optional[Dict]: The first symbol layer as a dictionary if found, otherwise None.
layers = self.get_style_layers()
for layer in layers:
if layer["type"] == "symbol":
return layer
return None
def add_text(
text: str,
fontsize: int = 20,
fontcolor: str = "black",
bold: bool = False,
padding: str = "5px",
bg_color: str = "white",
border_radius: str = "5px",
position: str = "bottom-right",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds text to the map with customizable styling.
This method allows adding a text widget to the map with various styling options such as font size, color,
background color, and more. The text's appearance can be further customized using additional CSS properties
passed through kwargs.
text (str): The text to add to the map.
fontsize (int, optional): The font size of the text. Defaults to 20.
fontcolor (str, optional): The color of the text. Defaults to "black".
bold (bool, optional): If True, the text will be bold. Defaults to False.
padding (str, optional): The padding around the text. Defaults to "5px".
bg_color (str, optional): The background color of the text widget. Defaults to "white".
To make the background transparent, set this to "transparent".
To make the background half transparent, set this to "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)".
border_radius (str, optional): The border radius of the text widget. Defaults to "5px".
position (str, optional): The position of the text widget on the map. Defaults to "bottom-right".
**kwargs (Any): Additional CSS properties to apply to the text widget.
from maplibre.controls import InfoBoxControl
if bg_color == "transparent" and "box-shadow" not in kwargs:
kwargs["box-shadow"] = "none"
css_text = f"""font-size: {fontsize}px; color: {fontcolor};
font-weight: {'bold' if bold else 'normal'}; padding: {padding};
background-color: {bg_color}; border-radius: {border_radius};"""
for key, value in kwargs.items():
css_text += f" {key.replace('_', '-')}: {value};"
control = InfoBoxControl(content=text, css_text=css_text)
self.add_control(control, position=position)
def add_html(
html: str,
bg_color: str = "white",
position: str = "bottom-right",
**kwargs: Union[str, int, float],
) -> None:
Add HTML content to the map.
This method allows for the addition of arbitrary HTML content to the map, which can be used to display
custom information or controls. The background color and position of the HTML content can be customized.
html (str): The HTML content to add.
bg_color (str, optional): The background color of the HTML content. Defaults to "white".
To make the background transparent, set this to "transparent".
To make the background half transparent, set this to "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)".
position (str, optional): The position of the HTML content on the map. Can be one of "top-left",
"top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right". Defaults to "bottom-right".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for future use.
# Check if an HTML string contains local images and convert them to base64.
html = common.check_html_string(html)
self.add_text(html, position=position, bg_color=bg_color, **kwargs)
def add_legend(
title: str = "Legend",
legend_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
colors: Optional[List[str]] = None,
fontsize: int = 15,
bg_color: str = "white",
position: str = "bottom-right",
builtin_legend: Optional[str] = None,
shape_type: str = "rectangle",
**kwargs: Union[str, int, float],
) -> None:
Adds a legend to the map.
This method allows for the addition of a legend to the map. The legend can be customized with a title,
labels, colors, and more. A built-in legend can also be specified.
title (str, optional): The title of the legend. Defaults to "Legend".
legend_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): A dictionary with legend items as keys and colors as values.
If provided, `labels` and `colors` will be ignored. Defaults to None.
labels (Optional[List[str]], optional): A list of legend labels. Defaults to None.
colors (Optional[List[str]], optional): A list of colors corresponding to the labels. Defaults to None.
fontsize (int, optional): The font size of the legend text. Defaults to 15.
bg_color (str, optional): The background color of the legend. Defaults to "white".
To make the background transparent, set this to "transparent".
To make the background half transparent, set this to "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)".
position (str, optional): The position of the legend on the map. Can be one of "top-left",
"top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right". Defaults to "bottom-right".
builtin_legend (Optional[str], optional): The name of a built-in legend to use. Defaults to None.
shape_type (str, optional): The shape type of the legend items. Can be one of "rectangle", "circle", or "line".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for future use.
import importlib.resources
from .legends import builtin_legends
pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(importlib.resources.files("leafmap") / "")
legend_template = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "data/template/legend.html")
if not os.path.exists(legend_template):
print("The legend template does not exist.")
if labels is not None:
if not isinstance(labels, list):
print("The legend keys must be a list.")
labels = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "etc"]
if colors is not None:
if not isinstance(colors, list):
print("The legend colors must be a list.")
elif all(isinstance(item, tuple) for item in colors):
colors = [common.rgb_to_hex(x) for x in colors]
except Exception as e:
elif all((item.startswith("#") and len(item) == 7) for item in colors):
elif all((len(item) == 6) for item in colors):
print("The legend colors must be a list of tuples.")
colors = [
if len(labels) != len(colors):
print("The legend keys and values must be the same length.")
allowed_builtin_legends = builtin_legends.keys()
if builtin_legend is not None:
if builtin_legend not in allowed_builtin_legends:
"The builtin legend must be one of the following: {}".format(
", ".join(allowed_builtin_legends)
legend_dict = builtin_legends[builtin_legend]
labels = list(legend_dict.keys())
colors = list(legend_dict.values())
if legend_dict is not None:
if not isinstance(legend_dict, dict):
print("The legend dict must be a dictionary.")
labels = list(legend_dict.keys())
colors = list(legend_dict.values())
if isinstance(colors[0], tuple) and len(colors[0]) == 2:
labels = [color[0] for color in colors]
colors = [color[1] for color in colors]
if all(isinstance(item, tuple) for item in colors):
colors = [common.rgb_to_hex(x) for x in colors]
except Exception as e:
allowed_positions = [
if position not in allowed_positions:
"The position must be one of the following: {}".format(
", ".join(allowed_positions)
header = []
content = []
footer = []
with open(legend_template) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines[3] = lines[3].replace("Legend", title)
header = lines[:6]
footer = lines[11:]
for index, key in enumerate(labels):
color = colors[index]
if isinstance(color, str) and (not color.startswith("#")):
color = "#" + color
item = " <li><span style='background:{};'></span>{}</li>\n".format(
color, key
legend_html = header + content + footer
legend_text = "".join(legend_html)
if shape_type == "circle":
legend_text = legend_text.replace("width: 30px", "width: 16px")
legend_text = legend_text.replace(
"border: 1px solid #999;",
"border-radius: 50%;\n border: 1px solid #999;",
elif shape_type == "line":
legend_text = legend_text.replace("height: 16px", "height: 3px")
def add_colorbar(
width: Optional[float] = 3.0,
height: Optional[float] = 0.2,
vmin: Optional[float] = 0,
vmax: Optional[float] = 1.0,
palette: Optional[List[str]] = None,
vis_params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]] = None,
cmap: Optional[str] = "gray",
discrete: Optional[bool] = False,
label: Optional[str] = None,
label_size: Optional[int] = 10,
label_weight: Optional[str] = "normal",
tick_size: Optional[int] = 8,
bg_color: Optional[str] = "white",
orientation: Optional[str] = "horizontal",
dpi: Optional[Union[str, float]] = "figure",
transparent: Optional[bool] = False,
position: str = "bottom-right",
) -> str:
Add a colorbar to the map.
This function uses matplotlib to generate a colorbar, saves it as a PNG file, and adds it to the map using
the Map.add_html() method. The colorbar can be customized in various ways including its size, color palette,
label, and orientation.
width (Optional[float]): Width of the colorbar in inches. Defaults to 3.0.
height (Optional[float]): Height of the colorbar in inches. Defaults to 0.2.
vmin (Optional[float]): Minimum value of the colorbar. Defaults to 0.
vmax (Optional[float]): Maximum value of the colorbar. Defaults to 1.0.
palette (Optional[List[str]]): List of colors or a colormap name for the colorbar. Defaults to None.
vis_params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]): Visualization parameters as a dictionary.
cmap (Optional[str]): Matplotlib colormap name. Defaults to "gray".
discrete (Optional[bool]): Whether to create a discrete colorbar. Defaults to False.
label (Optional[str]): Label for the colorbar. Defaults to None.
label_size (Optional[int]): Font size for the colorbar label. Defaults to 10.
label_weight (Optional[str]): Font weight for the colorbar label. Defaults to "normal".
tick_size (Optional[int]): Font size for the colorbar tick labels. Defaults to 8.
bg_color (Optional[str]): Background color for the colorbar. Defaults to "white".
orientation (Optional[str]): Orientation of the colorbar ("vertical" or "horizontal"). Defaults to "horizontal".
dpi (Optional[Union[str, float]]): Resolution in dots per inch. If 'figure', uses the figure's dpi value. Defaults to "figure".
transparent (Optional[bool]): Whether the background is transparent. Defaults to False.
position (str): Position of the colorbar on the map. Defaults to "bottom-right".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.savefig().
str: Path to the generated colorbar image.
if transparent:
bg_color = "transparent"
colorbar = common.save_colorbar(
html = f'<img src="{colorbar}">'
self.add_html(html, bg_color=bg_color, position=position, **kwargs)
def add_layer_control(
layer_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
theme: str = "default",
css_text: Optional[str] = None,
position: str = "top-left",
bg_layers: Optional[Union[bool, List[str]]] = False,
) -> None:
Adds a layer control to the map.
This function creates and adds a layer switcher control to the map, allowing users to toggle the visibility
of specified layers. The appearance and functionality of the layer control can be customized with parameters
such as theme, CSS styling, and position on the map.
layer_ids (Optional[List[str]]): A list of layer IDs to include in the control. If None, all layers
in the map will be included. Defaults to None.
theme (str): The theme for the layer switcher control. Can be "default" or other custom themes. Defaults to "default".
css_text (Optional[str]): Custom CSS text for styling the layer control. If None, a default style will be applied.
Defaults to None.
position (str): The position of the layer control on the map. Can be "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left",
or "bottom-right". Defaults to "top-left".
bg_layers (bool): If True, background layers will be included in the control. Defaults to False.
from maplibre.controls import LayerSwitcherControl
if layer_ids is None:
layer_ids = list(self.layer_dict.keys())
if layer_ids[0] == "background":
layer_ids = layer_ids[1:]
if isinstance(bg_layers, list):
layer_ids = bg_layers + layer_ids
elif bg_layers:
background_ids = list(self.style_dict.keys())
layer_ids = background_ids + layer_ids
if css_text is None:
css_text = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid darkgrey; border-radius: 4px;"
if len(layer_ids) > 0:
control = LayerSwitcherControl(
self.add_control(control, position=position)
def add_3d_buildings(
name: str = "buildings",
min_zoom: int = 15,
values: List[int] = [0, 200, 400],
colors: List[str] = ["lightgray", "royalblue", "lightblue"],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a 3D buildings layer to the map.
This function creates and adds a 3D buildings layer to the map using fill-extrusion. The buildings' heights
are determined by the 'render_height' property, and their colors are interpolated based on specified values.
The layer is only visible from a certain zoom level, specified by the 'min_zoom' parameter.
name (str): The name of the 3D buildings layer. Defaults to "buildings".
min_zoom (int): The minimum zoom level at which the 3D buildings will start to be visible. Defaults to 15.
values (List[int]): A list of height values (in meters) used for color interpolation. Defaults to [0, 200, 400].
colors (List[str]): A list of colors corresponding to the 'values' list. Each color is applied to the
building height range defined by the 'values'. Defaults to ["lightgray", "royalblue", "lightblue"].
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_layer method.
ValueError: If the lengths of 'values' and 'colors' lists do not match.
MAPTILER_KEY = common.get_api_key("MAPTILER_KEY")
source = {
"url": f"{MAPTILER_KEY}",
"type": "vector",
if len(values) != len(colors):
raise ValueError("The values and colors must have the same length.")
value_color_pairs = []
for i, value in enumerate(values):
layer = {
"id": name,
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": "fill-extrusion",
"min-zoom": min_zoom,
"paint": {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", "render_height"],
+ value_color_pairs,
"fill-extrusion-height": [
["get", "render_height"],
"fill-extrusion-base": [
[">=", ["get", "zoom"], 16],
["get", "render_min_height"],
self.add_source("openmaptiles", source)
self.add_layer(layer, **kwargs)
def add_overture_3d_buildings(
release: Optional[str] = "2024-10-23",
style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
values: Optional[List[int]] = None,
colors: Optional[List[str]] = None,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
tooltip: bool = True,
template: str = "simple",
fit_bounds: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add 3D buildings from Overture Maps to the map.
release (Optional[str], optional): The release date of the Overture Maps data.
Defaults to "2024-10-23". For more info, see
style (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The style dictionary for
the buildings. Defaults to None.
values (Optional[List[int]], optional): List of height values for
color interpolation. Defaults to None.
colors (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of colors corresponding
to the height values. Defaults to None.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the buildings layer is visible.
Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the buildings layer.
Defaults to 1.0.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the buildings.
Defaults to True.
template (str, optional): The template for the tooltip. It can be
"simple" or "all". Defaults to "simple".
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to fit the map bounds to the
buildings layer. Defaults to False.
ValueError: If the length of values and colors lists are not the same.
url = f"{release}/buildings.pmtiles"
if template == "simple":
template = "Name: {{@name}}<br>Subtype: {{subtype}}<br>Class: {{class}}<br>Height: {{height}}"
elif template == "all":
template = None
if style is None:
if values is None:
values = [0, 200, 400]
if colors is None:
colors = ["lightgray", "royalblue", "lightblue"]
if len(values) != len(colors):
raise ValueError("The values and colors must have the same length.")
value_color_pairs = []
for i, value in enumerate(values):
style = {
"layers": [
"id": "Building",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": "fill-extrusion",
"filter": [
["get", "height"],
], # only show buildings with height info
"paint": {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", "height"],
+ value_color_pairs,
"fill-extrusion-height": ["*", ["get", "height"], 1],
"id": "Building-part",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building_part",
"type": "fill-extrusion",
"filter": [
["get", "height"],
], # only show buildings with height info
"paint": {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", "height"],
+ value_color_pairs,
"fill-extrusion-height": ["*", ["get", "height"], 1],
def add_overture_data(
release: str = "2024-12-18",
theme: str = "buildings",
style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
tooltip: bool = True,
fit_bounds: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add Overture Maps data to the map.
release (str, optional): The release date of the data. Defaults to
"2024-12-28". For more info, see
theme (str, optional): The theme of the data. It can be one of the following:
"addresses", "base", "buildings", "divisions", "places", "transportation".
Defaults to "buildings".
style (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The style dictionary for
the data. Defaults to None.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the data layer is visible. Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the data layer. Defaults to 1.0.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the data.
Defaults to True.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to fit the map bounds to the
data layer. Defaults to False.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the add_pmtiles method.
ValueError: If the theme is not one of the allowed themes.
allowed_themes = [
if theme not in allowed_themes:
raise ValueError(
f"The theme must be one of the following: {', '.join(allowed_themes)}"
styles = {
"addresses": {
"layers": [
"id": "Address",
"source": "addresses",
"source-layer": "address",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"base": {
"layers": [
"id": "Infrastructure",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "infrastructure",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#8DD3C7",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Land",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "land",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#FFFFB3",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Land_cover",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "land_cover",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#BEBADA",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Land_use",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "land_use",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#FB8072",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Water",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "water",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#80B1D3",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"buildings": {
"layers": [
"id": "Building",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#6ea299",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Building_part",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building_part",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#fdfdb2",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"divisions": {
"layers": [
"id": "Division",
"source": "divisions",
"source-layer": "division",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"id": "Division_area",
"source": "divisions",
"source-layer": "division_area",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#FFFFB3",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Division_boundary",
"source": "divisions",
"source-layer": "division_boundary",
"type": "line",
"paint": {
"line-color": "#BEBADA",
"line-width": 1.0,
"places": {
"layers": [
"id": "Place",
"source": "places",
"source-layer": "place",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"transportation": {
"layers": [
"id": "Segment",
"source": "transportation",
"source-layer": "segment",
"type": "line",
"paint": {
"line-color": "#ffffb3",
"line-width": 1.0,
"id": "Connector",
"source": "transportation",
"source-layer": "connector",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
url = f"{release}/{theme}.pmtiles"
if style is None:
style = styles.get(theme, None)
def add_overture_buildings(
release: str = "2024-12-18",
style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
type: str = "line",
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
tooltip: bool = True,
fit_bounds: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add Overture Maps data to the map.
release (str, optional): The release date of the data. Defaults to
"2024-12-18". For more info, see
style (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The style dictionary for
the data. Defaults to None.
type (str, optional): The type of the data. It can be "line" or "fill".
visible (bool, optional): Whether the data layer is visible. Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the data layer. Defaults to 1.0.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the data.
Defaults to True.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to fit the map bounds to the
data layer. Defaults to False.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the paint properties.
url = f"{release}/buildings.pmtiles"
kwargs = common.replace_underscores_in_keys(kwargs)
if type == "line":
if "line-color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line-color"] = "#ff0000"
if "line-width" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line-width"] = 1
if "line-opacity" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line-opacity"] = opacity
elif type == "fill":
if "fill-color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["fill-color"] = "#6ea299"
if "fill-opacity" not in kwargs:
kwargs["fill-opacity"] = opacity
if style is None:
style = {
"layers": [
"id": "Building",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": type,
"paint": kwargs,
"id": "Building_part",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building_part",
"type": type,
"paint": kwargs,
def add_video(
urls: Union[str, List[str]],
coordinates: List[List[float]],
layer_id: str = "video",
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
Adds a video layer to the map.
This method allows embedding a video into the map by specifying the video URLs and the geographical coordinates
that the video should cover. The video will be stretched and fitted into the specified coordinates.
urls (Union[str, List[str]]): A single video URL or a list of video URLs. These URLs must be accessible
from the client's location.
coordinates (List[List[float]]): A list of four coordinates in [longitude, latitude] format, specifying
the corners of the video. The coordinates order should be top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left.
layer_id (str): The ID for the video layer. Defaults to "video".
before_id (Optional[str]): The ID of an existing layer to insert the new layer before. If None, the layer
will be added on top. Defaults to None.
if isinstance(urls, str):
urls = [urls]
source = {
"type": "video",
"urls": urls,
"coordinates": coordinates,
self.add_source("video_source", source)
layer = {
"id": layer_id,
"type": "raster",
"source": "video_source",
self.add_layer(layer, before_id=before_id)
def add_nlcd(self, years: list = [2023], add_legend: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None:
Adds National Land Cover Database (NLCD) data to the map.
years (list): A list of years to add. It can be any of 1985-2023. Defaults to [2023].
add_legend (bool): Whether to add a legend to the map. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_cog_layer method.
allowed_years = list(range(1985, 2024, 1))
url = (
if "colormap" not in kwargs:
kwargs["colormap"] = {
"11": "#466b9f",
"12": "#d1def8",
"21": "#dec5c5",
"22": "#d99282",
"23": "#eb0000",
"24": "#ab0000",
"31": "#b3ac9f",
"41": "#68ab5f",
"42": "#1c5f2c",
"43": "#b5c58f",
"51": "#af963c",
"52": "#ccb879",
"71": "#dfdfc2",
"72": "#d1d182",
"73": "#a3cc51",
"74": "#82ba9e",
"81": "#dcd939",
"82": "#ab6c28",
"90": "#b8d9eb",
"95": "#6c9fb8",
if "zoom_to_layer" not in kwargs:
kwargs["zoom_to_layer"] = False
for year in years:
if year not in allowed_years:
raise ValueError(f"Year must be one of {allowed_years}.")
year_url = url.format(year)
self.add_cog_layer(year_url, name=f"NLCD {year}", **kwargs)
if add_legend:
self.add_legend(title="NLCD Land Cover Type", builtin_legend="NLCD")
def add_gps_trace(
data: Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
x: str = None,
y: str = None,
columns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
ann_column: Optional[str] = None,
colormap: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
radius: int = 5,
circle_color: Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]] = None,
stroke_color: str = "#ffffff",
opacity: float = 1.0,
paint: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: str = "GPS Trace",
add_line: bool = True,
sort_column: Optional[str] = None,
line_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
add_draw_control: bool = True,
draw_control_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
add_legend: bool = True,
legend_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a GPS trace to the map.
data (Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]): The GPS trace data. It can be a GeoJSON file path or a list of coordinates.
x (str, optional): The column name for the x coordinates. Defaults to None,
which assumes the x coordinates are in the "longitude", "lon", or "x" column.
y (str, optional): The column name for the y coordinates. Defaults to None,
which assumes the y coordinates are in the "latitude", "lat", or "y" column.
columns (Optional[List[str]], optional): The list of columns to include in the GeoDataFrame. Defaults to None.
ann_column (Optional[str], optional): The column name to use for coloring the GPS trace points. Defaults to None.
colormap (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): The colormap for the GPS trace. Defaults to None.
radius (int, optional): The radius of the GPS trace points. Defaults to 5.
circle_color (Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]], optional): The color of the GPS trace points. Defaults to None.
stroke_color (str, optional): The stroke color of the GPS trace points. Defaults to "#ffffff".
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the GPS trace points. Defaults to 1.0.
paint (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The paint properties for the GPS trace points. Defaults to None.
name (str, optional): The name of the GPS trace layer. Defaults to "GPS Trace".
add_line (bool, optional): If True, adds a line connecting the GPS trace points. Defaults to True.
sort_column (Optional[str], optional): The column name to sort the points before connecting them as a line. Defaults to None.
line_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_gdf method for the line layer. Defaults to None.
add_draw_control (bool, optional): If True, adds a draw control to the map. Defaults to True.
draw_control_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_draw_control method. Defaults to None.
add_legend (bool, optional): If True, adds a legend to the map. Defaults to True.
legend_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_legend method. Defaults to None.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_geojson method.
from pathlib import Path
if add_draw_control:
if draw_control_args is None:
draw_control_args = {
"controls": ["polygon", "point", "trash"],
"position": "top-right",
if isinstance(data, Path):
if data.exists():
data = str(data)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {data}")
if isinstance(data, str):
tmp_file = os.path.splitext(data)[0] + "_tmp.csv"
gdf = common.points_from_xy(data, x=x, y=y)
# If the temporary file exists, read the annotations from it
if os.path.exists(tmp_file):
df = pd.read_csv(tmp_file)
gdf[ann_column] = df[ann_column]
elif isinstance(data, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
gdf = data
raise ValueError(
"Invalid data type. Use a GeoDataFrame or a file path to a CSV file."
setattr(self, "gps_trace", gdf)
if add_line:
line_gdf = common.connect_points_as_line(
gdf, sort_column=sort_column, single_line=True
line_gdf = None
if colormap is None:
colormap = {
"selected": "#FFFF00",
if add_legend:
if legend_args is None:
legend_args = {
"legend_dict": colormap,
"shape_type": "circle",
if (
isinstance(list(colormap.values())[0], tuple)
and len(list(colormap.values())[0]) == 2
keys = list(colormap.keys())
values = [value[1] for value in colormap.values()]
colormap = dict(zip(keys, values))
if ann_column is None:
if "annotation" in gdf.columns:
ann_column = "annotation"
raise ValueError(
"Please specify the ann_column parameter or add an 'annotation' column to the GeoDataFrame."
ann_column_edited = f"{ann_column}_edited"
gdf[ann_column_edited] = gdf[ann_column]
if columns is None:
columns = [
if ann_column not in columns:
if ann_column_edited not in columns:
if "geometry" not in columns:
gdf = gdf[columns]
setattr(self, "gdf", gdf)
if circle_color is None:
circle_color = [
["to-string", ["get", ann_column_edited]],
# Add the color matches from the colormap
for key, color in colormap.items():
circle_color.extend([str(key), color])
# Add the default color
circle_color.append("#CCCCCC") # Default color if annotation does not match
geojson = gdf.__geo_interface__
if paint is None:
paint = {
"circle-radius": radius,
"circle-color": circle_color,
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"circle-opacity": opacity,
if stroke_color is None:
paint["circle-stroke-color"] = circle_color
paint["circle-stroke-color"] = stroke_color
if line_gdf is not None:
if line_args is None:
line_args = {}
self.add_gdf(line_gdf, name=f"{name} Line", **line_args)
if "fit_bounds_options" not in kwargs:
kwargs["fit_bounds_options"] = {"animate": False}
self.add_geojson(geojson, layer_type="circle", paint=paint, name=name, **kwargs)
def add_data(
data: Union[str, pd.DataFrame, "gpd.GeoDataFrame"],
column: str,
cmap: Optional[str] = None,
colors: Optional[str] = None,
labels: Optional[str] = None,
scheme: Optional[str] = "Quantiles",
k: int = 5,
add_legend: Optional[bool] = True,
legend_title: Optional[bool] = None,
legend_position: Optional[str] = "bottom-right",
legend_kwds: Optional[dict] = None,
classification_kwds: Optional[dict] = None,
legend_args: Optional[dict] = None,
layer_type: Optional[str] = None,
extrude: Optional[bool] = False,
scale_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0,
filter: Optional[Dict] = None,
paint: Optional[Dict] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add vector data to the map with a variety of classification schemes.
data (str | pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame): The data to classify.
It can be a filepath to a vector dataset, a pandas dataframe, or
a geopandas geodataframe.
column (str): The column to classify.
cmap (str, optional): The name of a colormap recognized by matplotlib. Defaults to None.
colors (list, optional): A list of colors to use for the classification. Defaults to None.
labels (list, optional): A list of labels to use for the legend. Defaults to None.
scheme (str, optional): Name of a choropleth classification scheme (requires mapclassify).
Name of a choropleth classification scheme (requires mapclassify).
A mapclassify.MapClassifier object will be used
under the hood. Supported are all schemes provided by mapclassify (e.g.
'BoxPlot', 'EqualInterval', 'FisherJenks', 'FisherJenksSampled',
'HeadTailBreaks', 'JenksCaspall', 'JenksCaspallForced',
'JenksCaspallSampled', 'MaxP', 'MaximumBreaks',
'NaturalBreaks', 'Quantiles', 'Percentiles', 'StdMean',
'UserDefined'). Arguments can be passed in classification_kwds.
k (int, optional): Number of classes (ignored if scheme is None or if
column is categorical). Default to 5.
add_legend (bool, optional): Whether to add a legend to the map. Defaults to True.
legend_title (str, optional): The title of the legend. Defaults to None.
legend_position (str, optional): The position of the legend. Can be 'top-left',
'top-right', 'bottom-left', or 'bottom-right'. Defaults to 'bottom-right'.
legend_kwds (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`
or `matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`. Defaults to None.
Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend` or
Additional accepted keywords when `scheme` is specified:
fmt : string
A formatting specification for the bin edges of the classes in the
legend. For example, to have no decimals: ``{"fmt": "{:.0f}"}``.
labels : list-like
A list of legend labels to override the auto-generated labblels.
Needs to have the same number of elements as the number of
classes (`k`).
interval : boolean (default False)
An option to control brackets from mapclassify legend.
If True, open/closed interval brackets are shown in the legend.
classification_kwds (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to mapclassify.
Defaults to None.
legend_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_legend method. Defaults to None.
layer_type (str, optional): The type of layer to add. Can be 'circle', 'line', or 'fill'. Defaults to None.
filter (dict, optional): The filter to apply to the layer. If None,
no filter is applied.
paint (dict, optional): The paint properties to apply to the layer.
If None, no paint properties are applied.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. If None, a random name
is generated.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of the
map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the GeoJSONSource class.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the GeoJSON class, such as
fields, which can be a list of column names to be included in the popup.
gdf, legend_dict = common.classify(
if legend_title is None:
legend_title = column
geom_type = gdf.geometry.iloc[0].geom_type
if geom_type == "Point" or geom_type == "MultiPoint":
layer_type = "circle"
if paint is None:
paint = {
"circle-color": ["get", "color"],
"circle-radius": 5,
"circle-stroke-color": "#ffffff",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"circle-opacity": opacity,
elif geom_type == "LineString" or geom_type == "MultiLineString":
layer_type = "line"
if paint is None:
paint = {
"line-color": ["get", "color"],
"line-width": 2,
"line-opacity": opacity,
elif geom_type == "Polygon" or geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
if extrude:
layer_type = "fill-extrusion"
if paint is None:
# Initialize the interpolate format
paint = {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", column],
# Parse the dictionary and append range and color values
for range_str, color in legend_dict.items():
# Extract the upper bound from the range string
upper_bound = float(range_str.split(",")[-1].strip(" ]"))
# Add to the formatted output
paint["fill-extrusion-color"].extend([upper_bound, color])
# Scale down the extrusion height
paint["fill-extrusion-height"] = [
["get", column],
# Add scaled values dynamically
for range_str in legend_dict.keys():
upper_bound = float(range_str.split(",")[-1].strip(" ]"))
scaled_value = upper_bound / scale_factor # Apply scaling
[upper_bound, scaled_value]
layer_type = "fill"
if paint is None:
paint = {
"fill-color": ["get", "color"],
"fill-opacity": opacity,
"fill-outline-color": "#ffffff",
raise ValueError("Geometry type not recognized.")
if legend_args is None:
legend_args = {}
if add_legend:
def add_mapillary(
minzoom: int = 6,
maxzoom: int = 14,
sequence_lyr_name: str = "sequence",
image_lyr_name: str = "image",
before_id: str = None,
sequence_paint: dict = None,
image_paint: dict = None,
image_minzoom: int = 17,
add_popup: bool = True,
access_token: str = None,
) -> None:
Adds Mapillary layers to the map.
minzoom (int): Minimum zoom level for the Mapillary tiles. Defaults to 6.
maxzoom (int): Maximum zoom level for the Mapillary tiles. Defaults to 14.
sequence_lyr_name (str): Name of the sequence layer. Defaults to "sequence".
image_lyr_name (str): Name of the image layer. Defaults to "image".
before_id (str): The ID of an existing layer to insert the new layer before. Defaults to None.
sequence_paint (dict, optional): Paint properties for the sequence layer. Defaults to None.
image_paint (dict, optional): Paint properties for the image layer. Defaults to None.
image_minzoom (int): Minimum zoom level for the image layer. Defaults to 17.
add_popup (bool): Whether to add popups to the layers. Defaults to True.
access_token (str, optional): Access token for Mapillary API. Defaults to None.
ValueError: If no access token is provided.
if access_token is None:
access_token = common.get_api_key("MAPILLARY_API_KEY")
if access_token is None:
raise ValueError("An access token is required to use Mapillary.")
url = f"{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}?access_token={access_token}"
source = {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": [url],
"minzoom": minzoom,
"maxzoom": maxzoom,
self.add_source("mapillary", source)
if sequence_paint is None:
sequence_paint = {
"line-opacity": 0.6,
"line-color": "#35AF6D",
"line-width": 2,
if image_paint is None:
image_paint = {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#3388ff",
"circle-stroke-color": "#ffffff",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
sequence_lyr = {
"id": sequence_lyr_name,
"type": "line",
"source": "mapillary",
"source-layer": "sequence",
"layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
"paint": sequence_paint,
image_lyr = {
"id": image_lyr_name,
"type": "circle",
"source": "mapillary",
"source-layer": "image",
"paint": image_paint,
"minzoom": image_minzoom,
self.add_layer(sequence_lyr, name=sequence_lyr_name, before_id=before_id)
self.add_layer(image_lyr, name=image_lyr_name, before_id=before_id)
if add_popup:
def create_mapillary_widget(
lon: Optional[float] = None,
lat: Optional[float] = None,
radius: float = 0.00005,
bbox: Optional[Union[str, List[float]]] = None,
image_id: Optional[str] = None,
style: str = "classic",
width: int = 560,
height: int = 600,
frame_border: int = 0,
link: bool = True,
container: bool = True,
column_widths: List[int] = [8, 1],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Union[widgets.HTML, v.Row]:
Creates a Mapillary widget.
lon (Optional[float]): Longitude of the location. Defaults to None.
lat (Optional[float]): Latitude of the location. Defaults to None.
radius (float): Search radius for Mapillary images. Defaults to 0.00005.
bbox (Optional[Union[str, List[float]]]): Bounding box for the search. Defaults to None.
image_id (Optional[str]): ID of the Mapillary image. Defaults to None.
style (str): Style of the Mapillary image. Can be "classic", "photo", and "split". Defaults to "classic".
height (int): Height of the iframe. Defaults to 600.
frame_border (int): Frame border of the iframe. Defaults to 0.
link (bool): Whether to link the widget to map clicks. Defaults to True.
container (bool): Whether to return the widget in a container. Defaults to True.
column_widths (List[int]): Widths of the columns in the container. Defaults to [8, 1].
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the widget.
Union[widgets.HTML, v.Row]: The Mapillary widget or a container with the widget.
if image_id is None:
if lon is None or lat is None:
if "center" in self.view_state:
center = self.view_state
if len(center) > 0:
lon = center["lng"]
lat = center["lat"]
lon = 0
lat = 0
image_ids = common.search_mapillary_images(lon, lat, radius, bbox, limit=1)
if len(image_ids) > 0:
image_id = image_ids[0]
if image_id is None:
widget = widgets.HTML()
widget = common.get_mapillary_image_widget(
image_id, style, width, height, frame_border, **kwargs
if link:
def log_lng_lat(lng_lat):
lon =["lng"]
lat =["lat"]
image_id = common.search_mapillary_images(
lon, lat, radius=radius, limit=1
if len(image_id) > 0:
content = f"""
widget.value = content
widget.value = "No Mapillary image found."
self.observe(log_lng_lat, names="clicked")
if container:
left_col_layout = v.Col(
class_="pa-1", # padding for consistent spacing
right_col_layout = v.Col(
class_="pa-1", # padding for consistent spacing
row = v.Row(
children=[left_col_layout, right_col_layout],
return row
return widget
__init__(self, center=(0, 20), zoom=1, pitch=0, bearing=0, style='dark-matter', height='600px', controls={'navigation': 'top-right', 'fullscreen': 'top-right', 'scale': 'bottom-left'}, **kwargs)
Create a Map object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
center |
tuple |
The center of the map (lon, lat). Defaults to (0, 20). |
(0, 20) |
zoom |
float |
The zoom level of the map. Defaults to 1. |
1 |
pitch |
float |
The pitch of the map. Measured in degrees away from the plane of the screen (0-85) Defaults to 0. |
0 |
bearing |
float |
The bearing of the map. Measured in degrees counter-clockwise from north. Defaults to 0. |
0 |
style |
str |
The style of the map. It can be a string or a URL. If it is a string, it must be one of the following: "dark-matter", "positron", "carto-positron", "voyager", "positron-nolabels", "dark-matter-nolabels", "voyager-nolabels", "demotiles", "liberty", "bright", or "positron2". If a MapTiler API key is set, you can also use any of the MapTiler styles, such as aquarelle, backdrop, basic, bright, dataviz, landscape, ocean, openstreetmap, outdoor, satellite, streets, toner, topo, winter, etc. If it is a URL, it must point to a MapLibre style JSON. Defaults to "dark-matter". |
'dark-matter' |
height |
str |
The height of the map. Defaults to "600px". |
'600px' |
controls |
dict |
The controls and their positions on the map. Defaults to {"fullscreen": "top-right", "scale": "bottom-left"}. |
{'navigation': 'top-right', 'fullscreen': 'top-right', 'scale': 'bottom-left'} |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the MapOptions class. See for more information. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def __init__(
center: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 20),
zoom: float = 1,
pitch: float = 0,
bearing: float = 0,
style: str = "dark-matter",
height: str = "600px",
controls: Dict[str, str] = {
"navigation": "top-right",
"fullscreen": "top-right",
"scale": "bottom-left",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Create a Map object.
center (tuple, optional): The center of the map (lon, lat). Defaults
to (0, 20).
zoom (float, optional): The zoom level of the map. Defaults to 1.
pitch (float, optional): The pitch of the map. Measured in degrees
away from the plane of the screen (0-85) Defaults to 0.
bearing (float, optional): The bearing of the map. Measured in degrees
counter-clockwise from north. Defaults to 0.
style (str, optional): The style of the map. It can be a string or a URL.
If it is a string, it must be one of the following: "dark-matter", "positron",
"carto-positron", "voyager", "positron-nolabels", "dark-matter-nolabels",
"voyager-nolabels", "demotiles", "liberty", "bright", or "positron2".
If a MapTiler API key is set, you can also use any of the MapTiler styles,
such as aquarelle, backdrop, basic, bright, dataviz, landscape, ocean,
openstreetmap, outdoor, satellite, streets, toner, topo, winter, etc.
If it is a URL, it must point to a MapLibre style JSON. Defaults to "dark-matter".
height (str, optional): The height of the map. Defaults to "600px".
controls (dict, optional): The controls and their positions on the
map. Defaults to {"fullscreen": "top-right", "scale": "bottom-left"}.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the MapOptions class.
for more information.
carto_basemaps = [
openfreemap_basemaps = [
if isinstance(style, str):
if style.startswith("https"):
response = requests.get(style)
if response.status_code != 200:
"The provided style URL is invalid. Falling back to 'dark-matter'."
style = "dark-matter"
elif style.startswith("3d-"):
style = maptiler_3d_style(
style=style.replace("3d-", "").lower(),
exaggeration=kwargs.pop("exaggeration", 1),
tile_size=kwargs.pop("tile_size", 512),
hillshade=kwargs.pop("hillshade", True),
elif style.lower() in carto_basemaps:
style = construct_carto_basemap_url(style.lower())
elif style.lower() in openfreemap_basemaps:
if style == "positron2":
style = "positron"
style = f"{style.lower()}"
elif style == "demotiles":
style = ""
elif "background-" in style:
color = style.split("-")[1]
style = background(color)
style = construct_maptiler_style(style)
if style in carto_basemaps:
style = construct_carto_basemap_url(style)
if style is not None:
kwargs["style"] = style
if len(controls) == 0:
kwargs["attribution_control"] = False
map_options = MapOptions(
center=center, zoom=zoom, pitch=pitch, bearing=bearing, **kwargs
super().__init__(map_options, height=height)
for control, position in controls.items():
self.add_control(control, position)
self.layer_dict = {}
self.layer_dict["background"] = {
"layer": Layer(id="background", type=LayerType.BACKGROUND),
"opacity": 1.0,
"visible": True,
"type": "background",
"color": None,
self._style = style
self.style_dict = {}
for layer in self.get_style_layers():
self.style_dict[layer["id"]] = layer
self.source_dict = {}
add_3d_buildings(self, name='buildings', min_zoom=15, values=[0, 200, 400], colors=['lightgray', 'royalblue', 'lightblue'], **kwargs)
Adds a 3D buildings layer to the map.
This function creates and adds a 3D buildings layer to the map using fill-extrusion. The buildings' heights are determined by the 'render_height' property, and their colors are interpolated based on specified values. The layer is only visible from a certain zoom level, specified by the 'min_zoom' parameter.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name |
str |
The name of the 3D buildings layer. Defaults to "buildings". |
'buildings' |
min_zoom |
int |
The minimum zoom level at which the 3D buildings will start to be visible. Defaults to 15. |
15 |
values |
List[int] |
A list of height values (in meters) used for color interpolation. Defaults to [0, 200, 400]. |
[0, 200, 400] |
colors |
List[str] |
A list of colors corresponding to the 'values' list. Each color is applied to the building height range defined by the 'values'. Defaults to ["lightgray", "royalblue", "lightblue"]. |
['lightgray', 'royalblue', 'lightblue'] |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_layer method. |
{} |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the lengths of 'values' and 'colors' lists do not match. |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_3d_buildings(
name: str = "buildings",
min_zoom: int = 15,
values: List[int] = [0, 200, 400],
colors: List[str] = ["lightgray", "royalblue", "lightblue"],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a 3D buildings layer to the map.
This function creates and adds a 3D buildings layer to the map using fill-extrusion. The buildings' heights
are determined by the 'render_height' property, and their colors are interpolated based on specified values.
The layer is only visible from a certain zoom level, specified by the 'min_zoom' parameter.
name (str): The name of the 3D buildings layer. Defaults to "buildings".
min_zoom (int): The minimum zoom level at which the 3D buildings will start to be visible. Defaults to 15.
values (List[int]): A list of height values (in meters) used for color interpolation. Defaults to [0, 200, 400].
colors (List[str]): A list of colors corresponding to the 'values' list. Each color is applied to the
building height range defined by the 'values'. Defaults to ["lightgray", "royalblue", "lightblue"].
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_layer method.
ValueError: If the lengths of 'values' and 'colors' lists do not match.
MAPTILER_KEY = common.get_api_key("MAPTILER_KEY")
source = {
"url": f"{MAPTILER_KEY}",
"type": "vector",
if len(values) != len(colors):
raise ValueError("The values and colors must have the same length.")
value_color_pairs = []
for i, value in enumerate(values):
layer = {
"id": name,
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": "fill-extrusion",
"min-zoom": min_zoom,
"paint": {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", "render_height"],
+ value_color_pairs,
"fill-extrusion-height": [
["get", "render_height"],
"fill-extrusion-base": [
[">=", ["get", "zoom"], 16],
["get", "render_min_height"],
self.add_source("openmaptiles", source)
self.add_layer(layer, **kwargs)
add_arc_layer(self, data, src_lon, src_lat, dst_lon, dst_lat, src_color=[255, 0, 0], dst_color=[255, 255, 0], line_width=2, layer_id='arc_layer', pickable=True, tooltip=None, **kwargs)
Add a DeckGL ArcLayer to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
Union[str, pd.DataFrame] |
The file path or DataFrame containing the data. |
required |
src_lon |
str |
The source longitude column name. |
required |
src_lat |
str |
The source latitude column name. |
required |
dst_lon |
str |
The destination longitude column name. |
required |
dst_lat |
str |
The destination latitude column name. |
required |
src_color |
List[int] |
The source color as an RGB list. |
[255, 0, 0] |
dst_color |
List[int] |
The destination color as an RGB list. |
[255, 255, 0] |
line_width |
int |
The width of the lines. |
2 |
layer_id |
str |
The ID of the layer. |
'arc_layer' |
pickable |
bool |
Whether the layer is pickable. |
True |
tooltip |
Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] |
The tooltip content or list of columns. Defaults to None. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional arguments for the layer. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_arc_layer(
data: Union[str, pd.DataFrame],
src_lon: str,
src_lat: str,
dst_lon: str,
dst_lat: str,
src_color: List[int] = [255, 0, 0],
dst_color: List[int] = [255, 255, 0],
line_width: int = 2,
layer_id: str = "arc_layer",
pickable: bool = True,
tooltip: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Add a DeckGL ArcLayer to the map.
data (Union[str, pd.DataFrame]): The file path or DataFrame containing the data.
src_lon (str): The source longitude column name.
src_lat (str): The source latitude column name.
dst_lon (str): The destination longitude column name.
dst_lat (str): The destination latitude column name.
src_color (List[int]): The source color as an RGB list.
dst_color (List[int]): The destination color as an RGB list.
line_width (int): The width of the lines.
layer_id (str): The ID of the layer.
pickable (bool): Whether the layer is pickable.
tooltip (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The tooltip content or list of columns. Defaults to None.
**kwargs (Any): Additional arguments for the layer.
df = common.read_file(data)
if "geometry" in df.columns:
df = df.drop(columns=["geometry"])
arc_data = [
"source_position": [row[src_lon], row[src_lat]],
"target_position": [row[dst_lon], row[dst_lat]],
**row.to_dict(), # Include other columns
for _, row in df.iterrows()
# Generate tooltip template dynamically based on the columns
if tooltip is None:
columns = df.columns
elif isinstance(tooltip, list):
columns = tooltip
tooltip_content = "<br>".join([f"{col}: {{{{ {col} }}}}" for col in columns])
deck_arc_layer = {
"@@type": "ArcLayer",
"id": layer_id,
"data": arc_data,
"getSourcePosition": "@@=source_position",
"getTargetPosition": "@@=target_position",
"getSourceColor": src_color,
"getTargetColor": dst_color,
"getWidth": line_width,
"pickable": pickable,
layer_id: tooltip_content,
add_arrow(self, source, image=None, icon_size=0.1, minzoom=19, **kwargs)
Adds an arrow symbol to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
source |
str |
The source layer to which the arrow symbol will be added. |
required |
image |
Optional[str] |
The URL of the arrow image. Defaults to "". |
None |
icon_size |
int |
The size of the icon. Defaults to 0.1. |
0.1 |
minzoom |
Optional[float] |
The minimum zoom level at which the arrow symbol will be visible. Defaults to 19. |
19 |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_symbol method. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_arrow(
source: str,
image: Optional[str] = None,
icon_size: int = 0.1,
minzoom: Optional[float] = 19,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds an arrow symbol to the map.
source (str): The source layer to which the arrow symbol will be added.
image (Optional[str], optional): The URL of the arrow image.
Defaults to "".
icon_size (int, optional): The size of the icon. Defaults to 0.1.
minzoom (Optional[float], optional): The minimum zoom level at which
the arrow symbol will be visible. Defaults to 19.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_symbol method.
if image is None:
image = ""
self.add_symbol(source, image, icon_size, minzoom=minzoom, **kwargs)
add_basemap(self, basemap=None, layer_name=None, opacity=1.0, visible=True, attribution=None, **kwargs)
Adds a basemap to the map.
This method adds a basemap to the map. The basemap can be a string from predefined basemaps, an instance of xyzservices.TileProvider, or a key from the basemaps dictionary.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
basemap |
str or TileProvider |
The basemap to add. Can be one of the predefined strings, an instance of xyzservices.TileProvider, or a key from the basemaps dictionary. Defaults to None, which adds the basemap widget. |
None |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the basemap. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
visible |
bool |
Whether the basemap is visible or not. Defaults to True. |
True |
attribution |
str |
The attribution text to display for the basemap. If None, the attribution text is taken from the basemap or the TileProvider. Defaults to None. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the RasterTileSource class. See for more information. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the basemap is not one of the predefined strings, not an instance of TileProvider, and not a key from the basemaps dictionary. |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_basemap(
basemap: Union[str, xyzservices.TileProvider] = None,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
attribution: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a basemap to the map.
This method adds a basemap to the map. The basemap can be a string from
predefined basemaps, an instance of xyzservices.TileProvider, or a key
from the basemaps dictionary.
basemap (str or TileProvider, optional): The basemap to add. Can be
one of the predefined strings, an instance of xyzservices.TileProvider,
or a key from the basemaps dictionary. Defaults to None, which adds
the basemap widget.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the basemap. Defaults to 1.0.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the basemap is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution text to display for the
basemap. If None, the attribution text is taken from the basemap
or the TileProvider. Defaults to None.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the
RasterTileSource class. See for more information.
ValueError: If the basemap is not one of the predefined strings,
not an instance of TileProvider, and not a key from the basemaps dictionary.
if basemap is None:
return self._basemap_widget()
map_dict = {
"ROADMAP": "Google Maps",
"SATELLITE": "Google Satellite",
"TERRAIN": "Google Terrain",
"HYBRID": "Google Hybrid",
name = basemap
url = None
max_zoom = 30
min_zoom = 0
if isinstance(basemap, str) and basemap.upper() in map_dict:
layer = common.get_google_map(basemap.upper(), **kwargs)
url = layer.url
name =
attribution = layer.attribution
elif isinstance(basemap, xyzservices.TileProvider):
name =
url = basemap.build_url()
if attribution is None:
attribution = basemap.attribution
if "max_zoom" in basemap.keys():
max_zoom = basemap["max_zoom"]
if "min_zoom" in basemap.keys():
min_zoom = basemap["min_zoom"]
elif basemap in basemaps:
url = basemaps[basemap]["url"]
if attribution is None:
attribution = basemaps[basemap]["attribution"]
if "max_zoom" in basemaps[basemap]:
max_zoom = basemaps[basemap]["max_zoom"]
if "min_zoom" in basemaps[basemap]:
min_zoom = basemaps[basemap]["min_zoom"]
"Basemap can only be one of the following:\n {}".format(
"\n ".join(basemaps.keys())
raster_source = RasterTileSource(
if layer_name is None:
if name == "OpenStreetMap.Mapnik":
layer_name = "OpenStreetMap"
layer_name = name
layer = Layer(id=layer_name, source=raster_source, type=LayerType.RASTER)
self.set_opacity(layer_name, opacity)
self.set_visibility(layer_name, visible)
add_cog_layer(self, url, name=None, attribution='', opacity=1.0, visible=True, bands=None, nodata=0, titiler_endpoint=None, fit_bounds=True, before_id=None, **kwargs)
Adds a Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) TileLayer to the map.
This method adds a COG TileLayer to the map. The COG TileLayer is created from the specified URL, and it is added to the map with the specified name, attribution, opacity, visibility, and bands.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
url |
str |
The URL of the COG tile layer. |
required |
name |
str |
The name to use for the layer. If None, a random name is generated. Defaults to None. |
None |
attribution |
str |
The attribution to use for the layer. Defaults to ''. |
'' |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
visible |
bool |
Whether the layer should be visible by default. Defaults to True. |
True |
bands |
list |
A list of bands to use for the layer. Defaults to None. |
None |
nodata |
float |
The nodata value to use for the layer. |
0 |
titiler_endpoint |
str |
The endpoint of the titiler service. Defaults to "". |
None |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to adjust the viewport of the map to fit the bounds of the layer. Defaults to True. |
True |
**kwargs |
Any |
Arbitrary keyword arguments, including bidx, expression,
nodata, unscale, resampling, rescale, color_formula, colormap,
colormap_name, return_mask. See
To select a certain bands, use bidx=[1, 2, 3]. apply a
rescaling to multiple bands, use something like
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_cog_layer(
url: str,
name: Optional[str] = None,
attribution: str = "",
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
bands: Optional[List[int]] = None,
nodata: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 0,
titiler_endpoint: str = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) TileLayer to the map.
This method adds a COG TileLayer to the map. The COG TileLayer is created
from the specified URL, and it is added to the map with the specified name,
attribution, opacity, visibility, and bands.
url (str): The URL of the COG tile layer.
name (str, optional): The name to use for the layer. If None, a
random name is generated. Defaults to None.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution to use for the layer.
Defaults to ''.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer should be visible by default.
Defaults to True.
bands (list, optional): A list of bands to use for the layer.
Defaults to None.
nodata (float, optional): The nodata value to use for the layer.
titiler_endpoint (str, optional): The endpoint of the titiler service.
Defaults to "".
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of
the map to fit the bounds of the layer. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments, including bidx, expression,
nodata, unscale, resampling, rescale, color_formula, colormap,
colormap_name, return_mask. See
To select a certain bands, use bidx=[1, 2, 3]. apply a
rescaling to multiple bands, use something like
if name is None:
name = "COG_" + common.random_string()
tile_url = common.cog_tile(
url, bands, titiler_endpoint, nodata=nodata, **kwargs
bounds = common.cog_bounds(url, titiler_endpoint)
tile_url, name, attribution, opacity, visible, before_id=before_id
if fit_bounds:
self.fit_bounds([[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]])
add_colorbar(self, width=3.0, height=0.2, vmin=0, vmax=1.0, palette=None, vis_params=None, cmap='gray', discrete=False, label=None, label_size=10, label_weight='normal', tick_size=8, bg_color='white', orientation='horizontal', dpi='figure', transparent=False, position='bottom-right', **kwargs)
Add a colorbar to the map.
This function uses matplotlib to generate a colorbar, saves it as a PNG file, and adds it to the map using the Map.add_html() method. The colorbar can be customized in various ways including its size, color palette, label, and orientation.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
width |
Optional[float] |
Width of the colorbar in inches. Defaults to 3.0. |
3.0 |
height |
Optional[float] |
Height of the colorbar in inches. Defaults to 0.2. |
0.2 |
vmin |
Optional[float] |
Minimum value of the colorbar. Defaults to 0. |
0 |
vmax |
Optional[float] |
Maximum value of the colorbar. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
palette |
Optional[List[str]] |
List of colors or a colormap name for the colorbar. Defaults to None. |
None |
vis_params |
Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]] |
Visualization parameters as a dictionary. |
None |
cmap |
Optional[str] |
Matplotlib colormap name. Defaults to "gray". |
'gray' |
discrete |
Optional[bool] |
Whether to create a discrete colorbar. Defaults to False. |
False |
label |
Optional[str] |
Label for the colorbar. Defaults to None. |
None |
label_size |
Optional[int] |
Font size for the colorbar label. Defaults to 10. |
10 |
label_weight |
Optional[str] |
Font weight for the colorbar label. Defaults to "normal". |
'normal' |
tick_size |
Optional[int] |
Font size for the colorbar tick labels. Defaults to 8. |
8 |
bg_color |
Optional[str] |
Background color for the colorbar. Defaults to "white". |
'white' |
orientation |
Optional[str] |
Orientation of the colorbar ("vertical" or "horizontal"). Defaults to "horizontal". |
'horizontal' |
dpi |
Optional[Union[str, float]] |
Resolution in dots per inch. If 'figure', uses the figure's dpi value. Defaults to "figure". |
'figure' |
transparent |
Optional[bool] |
Whether the background is transparent. Defaults to False. |
False |
position |
str |
Position of the colorbar on the map. Defaults to "bottom-right". |
'bottom-right' |
**kwargs |
Additional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). |
{} |
Type | Description |
str |
Path to the generated colorbar image. |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_colorbar(
width: Optional[float] = 3.0,
height: Optional[float] = 0.2,
vmin: Optional[float] = 0,
vmax: Optional[float] = 1.0,
palette: Optional[List[str]] = None,
vis_params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]] = None,
cmap: Optional[str] = "gray",
discrete: Optional[bool] = False,
label: Optional[str] = None,
label_size: Optional[int] = 10,
label_weight: Optional[str] = "normal",
tick_size: Optional[int] = 8,
bg_color: Optional[str] = "white",
orientation: Optional[str] = "horizontal",
dpi: Optional[Union[str, float]] = "figure",
transparent: Optional[bool] = False,
position: str = "bottom-right",
) -> str:
Add a colorbar to the map.
This function uses matplotlib to generate a colorbar, saves it as a PNG file, and adds it to the map using
the Map.add_html() method. The colorbar can be customized in various ways including its size, color palette,
label, and orientation.
width (Optional[float]): Width of the colorbar in inches. Defaults to 3.0.
height (Optional[float]): Height of the colorbar in inches. Defaults to 0.2.
vmin (Optional[float]): Minimum value of the colorbar. Defaults to 0.
vmax (Optional[float]): Maximum value of the colorbar. Defaults to 1.0.
palette (Optional[List[str]]): List of colors or a colormap name for the colorbar. Defaults to None.
vis_params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]): Visualization parameters as a dictionary.
cmap (Optional[str]): Matplotlib colormap name. Defaults to "gray".
discrete (Optional[bool]): Whether to create a discrete colorbar. Defaults to False.
label (Optional[str]): Label for the colorbar. Defaults to None.
label_size (Optional[int]): Font size for the colorbar label. Defaults to 10.
label_weight (Optional[str]): Font weight for the colorbar label. Defaults to "normal".
tick_size (Optional[int]): Font size for the colorbar tick labels. Defaults to 8.
bg_color (Optional[str]): Background color for the colorbar. Defaults to "white".
orientation (Optional[str]): Orientation of the colorbar ("vertical" or "horizontal"). Defaults to "horizontal".
dpi (Optional[Union[str, float]]): Resolution in dots per inch. If 'figure', uses the figure's dpi value. Defaults to "figure".
transparent (Optional[bool]): Whether the background is transparent. Defaults to False.
position (str): Position of the colorbar on the map. Defaults to "bottom-right".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.savefig().
str: Path to the generated colorbar image.
if transparent:
bg_color = "transparent"
colorbar = common.save_colorbar(
html = f'<img src="{colorbar}">'
self.add_html(html, bg_color=bg_color, position=position, **kwargs)
add_control(self, control, position='top-right', **kwargs)
Adds a control to the map.
This method adds a control to the map. The control can be one of the following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', "attribution", and "draw". If the control is a string, it is converted to the corresponding control object. If the control is not a string, it is assumed to be a control object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
control |
str or object |
The control to add to the map. Can be one of the following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', "attribution", and "draw". |
required |
position |
str |
The position of the control. Defaults to "top-right". |
'top-right' |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the control object. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the control is a string and is not one of the following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', "attribution". |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_control(
self, control: Union[str, Any], position: str = "top-right", **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
Adds a control to the map.
This method adds a control to the map. The control can be one of the
following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', "attribution",
and "draw". If the control is a string, it is converted to the
corresponding control object. If the control is not a string, it is
assumed to be a control object.
control (str or object): The control to add to the map. Can be one
of the following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation',
"attribution", and "draw".
position (str, optional): The position of the control. Defaults to "top-right".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the control object.
ValueError: If the control is a string and is not one of the
following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', "attribution".
if isinstance(control, str):
control = control.lower()
if control == "scale":
control = ScaleControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "fullscreen":
control = FullscreenControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "geolocate":
control = GeolocateControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "navigation":
control = NavigationControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "attribution":
control = AttributionControl(**kwargs)
elif control == "draw":
self.add_draw_control(position=position, **kwargs)
elif control == "layers":
self.add_layer_control(position=position, **kwargs)
"Control can only be one of the following: 'scale', 'fullscreen', 'geolocate', 'navigation', and 'draw'."
super().add_control(control, position)
add_data(self, data, column, cmap=None, colors=None, labels=None, scheme='Quantiles', k=5, add_legend=True, legend_title=None, legend_position='bottom-right', legend_kwds=None, classification_kwds=None, legend_args=None, layer_type=None, extrude=False, scale_factor=1.0, filter=None, paint=None, name=None, fit_bounds=True, visible=True, opacity=1.0, before_id=None, source_args={}, **kwargs)
Add vector data to the map with a variety of classification schemes.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
str | pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame |
The data to classify. It can be a filepath to a vector dataset, a pandas dataframe, or a geopandas geodataframe. |
required |
column |
str |
The column to classify. |
required |
cmap |
str |
The name of a colormap recognized by matplotlib. Defaults to None. |
None |
colors |
list |
A list of colors to use for the classification. Defaults to None. |
None |
labels |
list |
A list of labels to use for the legend. Defaults to None. |
None |
scheme |
str |
Name of a choropleth classification scheme (requires mapclassify). Name of a choropleth classification scheme (requires mapclassify). A mapclassify.MapClassifier object will be used under the hood. Supported are all schemes provided by mapclassify (e.g. 'BoxPlot', 'EqualInterval', 'FisherJenks', 'FisherJenksSampled', 'HeadTailBreaks', 'JenksCaspall', 'JenksCaspallForced', 'JenksCaspallSampled', 'MaxP', 'MaximumBreaks', 'NaturalBreaks', 'Quantiles', 'Percentiles', 'StdMean', 'UserDefined'). Arguments can be passed in classification_kwds. |
'Quantiles' |
k |
int |
Number of classes (ignored if scheme is None or if column is categorical). Default to 5. |
5 |
add_legend |
bool |
Whether to add a legend to the map. Defaults to True. |
True |
legend_title |
str |
The title of the legend. Defaults to None. |
None |
legend_position |
str |
The position of the legend. Can be 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', or 'bottom-right'. Defaults to 'bottom-right'. |
'bottom-right' |
legend_kwds |
dict |
Keyword arguments to pass to :func: |
None |
classification_kwds |
dict |
Keyword arguments to pass to mapclassify. Defaults to None. |
None |
legend_args |
dict |
Additional keyword arguments for the add_legend method. Defaults to None. |
None |
layer_type |
str |
The type of layer to add. Can be 'circle', 'line', or 'fill'. Defaults to None. |
None |
filter |
dict |
The filter to apply to the layer. If None, no filter is applied. |
None |
paint |
dict |
The paint properties to apply to the layer. If None, no paint properties are applied. |
None |
name |
str |
The name of the layer. If None, a random name is generated. |
None |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to adjust the viewport of the map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True. |
True |
visible |
bool |
Whether the layer is visible or not. Defaults to True. |
True |
before_id |
str |
The ID of an existing layer before which the new layer should be inserted. |
None |
source_args |
dict |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the GeoJSONSource class. |
{} |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the GeoJSON class, such as fields, which can be a list of column names to be included in the popup. |
{} |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_data(
data: Union[str, pd.DataFrame, "gpd.GeoDataFrame"],
column: str,
cmap: Optional[str] = None,
colors: Optional[str] = None,
labels: Optional[str] = None,
scheme: Optional[str] = "Quantiles",
k: int = 5,
add_legend: Optional[bool] = True,
legend_title: Optional[bool] = None,
legend_position: Optional[str] = "bottom-right",
legend_kwds: Optional[dict] = None,
classification_kwds: Optional[dict] = None,
legend_args: Optional[dict] = None,
layer_type: Optional[str] = None,
extrude: Optional[bool] = False,
scale_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0,
filter: Optional[Dict] = None,
paint: Optional[Dict] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add vector data to the map with a variety of classification schemes.
data (str | pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame): The data to classify.
It can be a filepath to a vector dataset, a pandas dataframe, or
a geopandas geodataframe.
column (str): The column to classify.
cmap (str, optional): The name of a colormap recognized by matplotlib. Defaults to None.
colors (list, optional): A list of colors to use for the classification. Defaults to None.
labels (list, optional): A list of labels to use for the legend. Defaults to None.
scheme (str, optional): Name of a choropleth classification scheme (requires mapclassify).
Name of a choropleth classification scheme (requires mapclassify).
A mapclassify.MapClassifier object will be used
under the hood. Supported are all schemes provided by mapclassify (e.g.
'BoxPlot', 'EqualInterval', 'FisherJenks', 'FisherJenksSampled',
'HeadTailBreaks', 'JenksCaspall', 'JenksCaspallForced',
'JenksCaspallSampled', 'MaxP', 'MaximumBreaks',
'NaturalBreaks', 'Quantiles', 'Percentiles', 'StdMean',
'UserDefined'). Arguments can be passed in classification_kwds.
k (int, optional): Number of classes (ignored if scheme is None or if
column is categorical). Default to 5.
add_legend (bool, optional): Whether to add a legend to the map. Defaults to True.
legend_title (str, optional): The title of the legend. Defaults to None.
legend_position (str, optional): The position of the legend. Can be 'top-left',
'top-right', 'bottom-left', or 'bottom-right'. Defaults to 'bottom-right'.
legend_kwds (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`
or `matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`. Defaults to None.
Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend` or
Additional accepted keywords when `scheme` is specified:
fmt : string
A formatting specification for the bin edges of the classes in the
legend. For example, to have no decimals: ``{"fmt": "{:.0f}"}``.
labels : list-like
A list of legend labels to override the auto-generated labblels.
Needs to have the same number of elements as the number of
classes (`k`).
interval : boolean (default False)
An option to control brackets from mapclassify legend.
If True, open/closed interval brackets are shown in the legend.
classification_kwds (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to mapclassify.
Defaults to None.
legend_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_legend method. Defaults to None.
layer_type (str, optional): The type of layer to add. Can be 'circle', 'line', or 'fill'. Defaults to None.
filter (dict, optional): The filter to apply to the layer. If None,
no filter is applied.
paint (dict, optional): The paint properties to apply to the layer.
If None, no paint properties are applied.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. If None, a random name
is generated.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of the
map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the GeoJSONSource class.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the GeoJSON class, such as
fields, which can be a list of column names to be included in the popup.
gdf, legend_dict = common.classify(
if legend_title is None:
legend_title = column
geom_type = gdf.geometry.iloc[0].geom_type
if geom_type == "Point" or geom_type == "MultiPoint":
layer_type = "circle"
if paint is None:
paint = {
"circle-color": ["get", "color"],
"circle-radius": 5,
"circle-stroke-color": "#ffffff",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"circle-opacity": opacity,
elif geom_type == "LineString" or geom_type == "MultiLineString":
layer_type = "line"
if paint is None:
paint = {
"line-color": ["get", "color"],
"line-width": 2,
"line-opacity": opacity,
elif geom_type == "Polygon" or geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
if extrude:
layer_type = "fill-extrusion"
if paint is None:
# Initialize the interpolate format
paint = {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", column],
# Parse the dictionary and append range and color values
for range_str, color in legend_dict.items():
# Extract the upper bound from the range string
upper_bound = float(range_str.split(",")[-1].strip(" ]"))
# Add to the formatted output
paint["fill-extrusion-color"].extend([upper_bound, color])
# Scale down the extrusion height
paint["fill-extrusion-height"] = [
["get", column],
# Add scaled values dynamically
for range_str in legend_dict.keys():
upper_bound = float(range_str.split(",")[-1].strip(" ]"))
scaled_value = upper_bound / scale_factor # Apply scaling
[upper_bound, scaled_value]
layer_type = "fill"
if paint is None:
paint = {
"fill-color": ["get", "color"],
"fill-opacity": opacity,
"fill-outline-color": "#ffffff",
raise ValueError("Geometry type not recognized.")
if legend_args is None:
legend_args = {}
if add_legend:
add_deck_layers(self, layers, tooltip=None)
Add Deck.GL layers to the layer stack
Name | Type | Description | Default |
layers |
list[dict] |
A list of dictionaries containing the Deck.GL layers to be added. |
required |
tooltip |
str | dict |
Either a single mustache template string applied to all layers or a dictionary where keys are layer ids and values are mustache template strings. |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_deck_layers(self, layers: list[dict], tooltip: str | dict = None) -> None:
"""Add Deck.GL layers to the layer stack
layers (list[dict]): A list of dictionaries containing the Deck.GL layers to be added.
tooltip (str | dict): Either a single mustache template string applied to all layers
or a dictionary where keys are layer ids and values are mustache template strings.
super().add_deck_layers(layers, tooltip)
for layer in layers:
self.layer_dict[layer["id"]] = {
"layer": layer,
"opacity": layer.get("opacity", 1.0),
"visible": layer.get("visible", True),
"type": layer.get("@@type", "deck"),
"color": layer.get("getFillColor", "#ffffff"),
add_draw_control(self, options=None, controls=None, position='top-left', geojson=None, **kwargs)
Adds a drawing control to the map.
This method enables users to add interactive drawing controls to the map, allowing for the creation, editing, and deletion of geometric shapes on the map. The options, position, and initial GeoJSON can be customized.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
options |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
Configuration options for the drawing control. Defaults to None. |
None |
controls |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
The drawing controls to enable. Can be one or more of the following: 'polygon', 'line_string', 'point', 'trash', 'combine_features', 'uncombine_features'. Defaults to None. |
None |
position |
str |
The position of the control on the map. Defaults to "top-left". |
'top-left' |
geojson |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
Initial GeoJSON data to load into the drawing control. Defaults to None. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the drawing control. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_draw_control(
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
controls: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
position: str = "top-left",
geojson: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a drawing control to the map.
This method enables users to add interactive drawing controls to the map,
allowing for the creation, editing, and deletion of geometric shapes on
the map. The options, position, and initial GeoJSON can be customized.
options (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Configuration options for the
drawing control. Defaults to None.
controls (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): The drawing controls to enable.
Can be one or more of the following: 'polygon', 'line_string',
'point', 'trash', 'combine_features', 'uncombine_features'.
Defaults to None.
position (str): The position of the control on the map. Defaults
to "top-left".
geojson (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Initial GeoJSON data to load
into the drawing control. Defaults to None.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the
drawing control.
from maplibre.plugins import MapboxDrawControls, MapboxDrawOptions
if isinstance(controls, list):
args = {}
for control in controls:
if control == "polygon":
args["polygon"] = True
elif control == "line_string":
args["line_string"] = True
elif control == "point":
args["point"] = True
elif control == "trash":
args["trash"] = True
elif control == "combine_features":
args["combine_features"] = True
elif control == "uncombine_features":
args["uncombine_features"] = True
options = MapboxDrawOptions(
options=options, position=position, geojson=geojson, **kwargs
add_ee_layer(self, ee_object=None, vis_params={}, asset_id=None, name=None, opacity=1.0, attribution='Google Earth Engine', visible=True, before_id=None, ee_initialize=False, **kwargs)
Adds a Google Earth Engine tile layer to the map based on the tile layer URL from
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ee_object |
object |
The Earth Engine object to display. |
None |
vis_params |
dict |
Visualization parameters. For example, {'min': 0, 'max': 100}. |
{} |
asset_id |
str |
The ID of the Earth Engine asset. |
None |
name |
str |
The name of the tile layer. If not provided, the asset ID will be used. Default is None. |
None |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the tile layer (0 to 1). Default is 1. |
1.0 |
attribution |
str |
The attribution text to be displayed. Default is "Google Earth Engine". |
'Google Earth Engine' |
visible |
bool |
Whether the tile layer should be shown on the map. Default is True. |
True |
before_id |
str |
The ID of an existing layer before which the new layer should be inserted. |
None |
ee_initialize |
bool |
Whether to initialize the Earth Engine |
False |
**kwargs |
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_ee_layer(
asset_id: str = None,
name: str = None,
opacity: float = 1.0,
attribution: str = "Google Earth Engine",
visible: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
ee_initialize: bool = False,
) -> None:
Adds a Google Earth Engine tile layer to the map based on the tile layer URL from
ee_object (object): The Earth Engine object to display.
vis_params (dict): Visualization parameters. For example, {'min': 0, 'max': 100}.
asset_id (str): The ID of the Earth Engine asset.
name (str, optional): The name of the tile layer. If not provided,
the asset ID will be used. Default is None.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the tile layer (0 to 1).
Default is 1.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution text to be displayed.
Default is "Google Earth Engine".
visible (bool, optional): Whether the tile layer should be shown on
the map. Default is True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
ee_initialize (bool, optional): Whether to initialize the Earth Engine
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying
`add_tile_layer` method.
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(asset_id, str):
df = pd.read_csv(
asset_id = asset_id.strip()
if name is None:
name = asset_id
if asset_id in df["id"].values:
url = df.loc[df["id"] == asset_id, "url"].values[0]
print(f"The provided EE tile layer {asset_id} does not exist.")
elif ee_object is not None:
import geemap
from geemap.ee_tile_layers import _get_tile_url_format
if ee_initialize:
url = _get_tile_url_format(ee_object, vis_params)
if name is None:
name = "EE Layer"
except Exception as e:
"Please install the `geemap` package to use the `add_ee_layer` function."
add_gdf(self, gdf, layer_type=None, filter=None, paint=None, name=None, fit_bounds=True, visible=True, before_id=None, source_args={}, **kwargs)
Adds a vector layer to the map.
This method adds a GeoDataFrame to the map as a vector layer.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
gdf |
gpd.GeoDataFrame |
The GeoDataFrame to add to the map. |
required |
layer_type |
str |
The type of the layer. If None, the type is inferred from the GeoJSON data. |
None |
filter |
dict |
The filter to apply to the layer. If None, no filter is applied. |
None |
paint |
dict |
The paint properties to apply to the layer. If None, no paint properties are applied. |
None |
name |
str |
The name of the layer. If None, a random name is generated. |
None |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to adjust the viewport of the map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True. |
True |
visible |
bool |
Whether the layer is visible or not. Defaults to True. |
True |
before_id |
str |
The ID of an existing layer before which the new layer should be inserted. |
None |
source_args |
dict |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the GeoJSONSource class. |
{} |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the data is not a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary. |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_gdf(
gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
layer_type: Optional[str] = None,
filter: Optional[Dict] = None,
paint: Optional[Dict] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
visible: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a vector layer to the map.
This method adds a GeoDataFrame to the map as a vector layer.
gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The GeoDataFrame to add to the map.
layer_type (str, optional): The type of the layer. If None, the type
is inferred from the GeoJSON data.
filter (dict, optional): The filter to apply to the layer. If None,
no filter is applied.
paint (dict, optional): The paint properties to apply to the layer.
If None, no paint properties are applied.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. If None, a random name
is generated.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of the
map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the GeoJSONSource class.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class.
ValueError: If the data is not a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.
if not isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
raise ValueError("The data must be a GeoDataFrame.")
geojson = gdf.__geo_interface__
add_geojson(self, data, layer_type=None, filter=None, paint=None, name=None, fit_bounds=True, visible=True, before_id=None, source_args={}, fit_bounds_options=None, **kwargs)
Adds a GeoJSON layer to the map.
This method adds a GeoJSON layer to the map. The GeoJSON data can be a URL to a GeoJSON file or a GeoJSON dictionary. If a name is provided, it is used as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. Otherwise, a random name is generated.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
str | dict |
The GeoJSON data. This can be a URL to a GeoJSON file or a GeoJSON dictionary. |
required |
layer_type |
str |
The type of the layer. It can be one of the following: 'circle', 'fill', 'fill-extrusion', 'line', 'symbol', 'raster', 'background', 'heatmap', 'hillshade'. If None, the type is inferred from the GeoJSON data. |
None |
filter |
dict |
The filter to apply to the layer. If None, no filter is applied. |
None |
paint |
dict |
The paint properties to apply to the layer. If None, no paint properties are applied. |
None |
name |
str |
The name of the layer. If None, a random name is generated. |
None |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to adjust the viewport of the map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True. |
True |
visible |
bool |
Whether the layer is visible or not. Defaults to True. |
True |
before_id |
str |
The ID of an existing layer before which the new layer should be inserted. |
None |
source_args |
dict |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the GeoJSONSource class. |
{} |
fit_bounds_options |
dict |
Additional options for fitting the bounds. See for more information. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class. See for more info. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the data is not a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary. |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_geojson(
data: Union[str, Dict],
layer_type: Optional[str] = None,
filter: Optional[Dict] = None,
paint: Optional[Dict] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
fit_bounds: bool = True,
visible: bool = True,
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
source_args: Dict = {},
fit_bounds_options: Dict = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a GeoJSON layer to the map.
This method adds a GeoJSON layer to the map. The GeoJSON data can be a
URL to a GeoJSON file or a GeoJSON dictionary. If a name is provided, it
is used as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. Otherwise,
a random name is generated.
data (str | dict): The GeoJSON data. This can be a URL to a GeoJSON
file or a GeoJSON dictionary.
layer_type (str, optional): The type of the layer. It can be one of
the following: 'circle', 'fill', 'fill-extrusion', 'line', 'symbol',
'raster', 'background', 'heatmap', 'hillshade'. If None, the type
is inferred from the GeoJSON data.
filter (dict, optional): The filter to apply to the layer. If None,
no filter is applied.
paint (dict, optional): The paint properties to apply to the layer.
If None, no paint properties are applied.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. If None, a random name
is generated.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the viewport of the
map to fit the bounds of the GeoJSON data. Defaults to True.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible or not.
Defaults to True.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
source_args (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments that are
passed to the GeoJSONSource class.
fit_bounds_options (dict, optional): Additional options for fitting the bounds.
for more information.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the Layer class.
See for more info.
ValueError: If the data is not a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.
bounds = None
geom_type = None
if isinstance(data, str):
if os.path.isfile(data) or data.startswith("http"):
data = gpd.read_file(data).__geo_interface__
bounds = get_bounds(data)
source = GeoJSONSource(data=data, **source_args)
raise ValueError("The data must be a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.")
elif isinstance(data, dict):
source = GeoJSONSource(data=data, **source_args)
bounds = get_bounds(data)
raise ValueError("The data must be a URL or a GeoJSON dictionary.")
if name is None:
layer_names = list(self.layer_dict.keys())
if "geojson" not in layer_names:
name = "geojson"
name = f"geojson_{common.random_string()}"
if filter is not None:
kwargs["filter"] = filter
if paint is None:
if "features" in data:
geom_type = data["features"][0]["geometry"]["type"]
elif "geometry" in data:
geom_type = data["geometry"]["type"]
if geom_type in ["Point", "MultiPoint"]:
if layer_type is None:
layer_type = "circle"
paint = {
"circle-radius": 5,
"circle-color": "#3388ff",
"circle-stroke-color": "#ffffff",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
elif geom_type in ["LineString", "MultiLineString"]:
if layer_type is None:
layer_type = "line"
paint = {"line-color": "#3388ff", "line-width": 2}
elif geom_type in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]:
if layer_type is None:
layer_type = "fill"
paint = {
"fill-color": "#3388ff",
"fill-opacity": 0.8,
"fill-outline-color": "#ffffff",
if paint is not None:
kwargs["paint"] = paint
layer = Layer(
self.add_layer(layer, before_id=before_id, name=name, visible=visible)
if fit_bounds and bounds is not None:
self.fit_bounds(bounds, fit_bounds_options)
if isinstance(paint, dict) and f"{layer_type}-opacity" in paint:
self.set_opacity(name, paint[f"{layer_type}-opacity"])
self.set_opacity(name, 1.0)
add_gps_trace(self, data, x=None, y=None, columns=None, ann_column=None, colormap=None, radius=5, circle_color=None, stroke_color='#ffffff', opacity=1.0, paint=None, name='GPS Trace', add_line=True, sort_column=None, line_args=None, add_draw_control=True, draw_control_args=None, add_legend=True, legend_args=None, **kwargs)
Adds a GPS trace to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] |
The GPS trace data. It can be a GeoJSON file path or a list of coordinates. |
required |
x |
str |
The column name for the x coordinates. Defaults to None, which assumes the x coordinates are in the "longitude", "lon", or "x" column. |
None |
y |
str |
The column name for the y coordinates. Defaults to None, which assumes the y coordinates are in the "latitude", "lat", or "y" column. |
None |
columns |
Optional[List[str]] |
The list of columns to include in the GeoDataFrame. Defaults to None. |
None |
ann_column |
Optional[str] |
The column name to use for coloring the GPS trace points. Defaults to None. |
None |
colormap |
Optional[Dict[str, str]] |
The colormap for the GPS trace. Defaults to None. |
None |
radius |
int |
The radius of the GPS trace points. Defaults to 5. |
5 |
circle_color |
Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]] |
The color of the GPS trace points. Defaults to None. |
None |
stroke_color |
str |
The stroke color of the GPS trace points. Defaults to "#ffffff". |
'#ffffff' |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the GPS trace points. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
paint |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
The paint properties for the GPS trace points. Defaults to None. |
None |
name |
str |
The name of the GPS trace layer. Defaults to "GPS Trace". |
'GPS Trace' |
add_line |
bool |
If True, adds a line connecting the GPS trace points. Defaults to True. |
True |
sort_column |
Optional[str] |
The column name to sort the points before connecting them as a line. Defaults to None. |
None |
line_args |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
Additional keyword arguments for the add_gdf method for the line layer. Defaults to None. |
None |
add_draw_control |
bool |
If True, adds a draw control to the map. Defaults to True. |
True |
draw_control_args |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
Additional keyword arguments for the add_draw_control method. Defaults to None. |
None |
add_legend |
bool |
If True, adds a legend to the map. Defaults to True. |
True |
legend_args |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
Additional keyword arguments for the add_legend method. Defaults to None. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_geojson method. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_gps_trace(
data: Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
x: str = None,
y: str = None,
columns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
ann_column: Optional[str] = None,
colormap: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
radius: int = 5,
circle_color: Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]] = None,
stroke_color: str = "#ffffff",
opacity: float = 1.0,
paint: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: str = "GPS Trace",
add_line: bool = True,
sort_column: Optional[str] = None,
line_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
add_draw_control: bool = True,
draw_control_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
add_legend: bool = True,
legend_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a GPS trace to the map.
data (Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]): The GPS trace data. It can be a GeoJSON file path or a list of coordinates.
x (str, optional): The column name for the x coordinates. Defaults to None,
which assumes the x coordinates are in the "longitude", "lon", or "x" column.
y (str, optional): The column name for the y coordinates. Defaults to None,
which assumes the y coordinates are in the "latitude", "lat", or "y" column.
columns (Optional[List[str]], optional): The list of columns to include in the GeoDataFrame. Defaults to None.
ann_column (Optional[str], optional): The column name to use for coloring the GPS trace points. Defaults to None.
colormap (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): The colormap for the GPS trace. Defaults to None.
radius (int, optional): The radius of the GPS trace points. Defaults to 5.
circle_color (Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]], optional): The color of the GPS trace points. Defaults to None.
stroke_color (str, optional): The stroke color of the GPS trace points. Defaults to "#ffffff".
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the GPS trace points. Defaults to 1.0.
paint (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The paint properties for the GPS trace points. Defaults to None.
name (str, optional): The name of the GPS trace layer. Defaults to "GPS Trace".
add_line (bool, optional): If True, adds a line connecting the GPS trace points. Defaults to True.
sort_column (Optional[str], optional): The column name to sort the points before connecting them as a line. Defaults to None.
line_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_gdf method for the line layer. Defaults to None.
add_draw_control (bool, optional): If True, adds a draw control to the map. Defaults to True.
draw_control_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_draw_control method. Defaults to None.
add_legend (bool, optional): If True, adds a legend to the map. Defaults to True.
legend_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Additional keyword arguments for the add_legend method. Defaults to None.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_geojson method.
from pathlib import Path
if add_draw_control:
if draw_control_args is None:
draw_control_args = {
"controls": ["polygon", "point", "trash"],
"position": "top-right",
if isinstance(data, Path):
if data.exists():
data = str(data)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {data}")
if isinstance(data, str):
tmp_file = os.path.splitext(data)[0] + "_tmp.csv"
gdf = common.points_from_xy(data, x=x, y=y)
# If the temporary file exists, read the annotations from it
if os.path.exists(tmp_file):
df = pd.read_csv(tmp_file)
gdf[ann_column] = df[ann_column]
elif isinstance(data, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
gdf = data
raise ValueError(
"Invalid data type. Use a GeoDataFrame or a file path to a CSV file."
setattr(self, "gps_trace", gdf)
if add_line:
line_gdf = common.connect_points_as_line(
gdf, sort_column=sort_column, single_line=True
line_gdf = None
if colormap is None:
colormap = {
"selected": "#FFFF00",
if add_legend:
if legend_args is None:
legend_args = {
"legend_dict": colormap,
"shape_type": "circle",
if (
isinstance(list(colormap.values())[0], tuple)
and len(list(colormap.values())[0]) == 2
keys = list(colormap.keys())
values = [value[1] for value in colormap.values()]
colormap = dict(zip(keys, values))
if ann_column is None:
if "annotation" in gdf.columns:
ann_column = "annotation"
raise ValueError(
"Please specify the ann_column parameter or add an 'annotation' column to the GeoDataFrame."
ann_column_edited = f"{ann_column}_edited"
gdf[ann_column_edited] = gdf[ann_column]
if columns is None:
columns = [
if ann_column not in columns:
if ann_column_edited not in columns:
if "geometry" not in columns:
gdf = gdf[columns]
setattr(self, "gdf", gdf)
if circle_color is None:
circle_color = [
["to-string", ["get", ann_column_edited]],
# Add the color matches from the colormap
for key, color in colormap.items():
circle_color.extend([str(key), color])
# Add the default color
circle_color.append("#CCCCCC") # Default color if annotation does not match
geojson = gdf.__geo_interface__
if paint is None:
paint = {
"circle-radius": radius,
"circle-color": circle_color,
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"circle-opacity": opacity,
if stroke_color is None:
paint["circle-stroke-color"] = circle_color
paint["circle-stroke-color"] = stroke_color
if line_gdf is not None:
if line_args is None:
line_args = {}
self.add_gdf(line_gdf, name=f"{name} Line", **line_args)
if "fit_bounds_options" not in kwargs:
kwargs["fit_bounds_options"] = {"animate": False}
self.add_geojson(geojson, layer_type="circle", paint=paint, name=name, **kwargs)
add_html(self, html, bg_color='white', position='bottom-right', **kwargs)
Add HTML content to the map.
This method allows for the addition of arbitrary HTML content to the map, which can be used to display custom information or controls. The background color and position of the HTML content can be customized.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
html |
str |
The HTML content to add. |
required |
bg_color |
str |
The background color of the HTML content. Defaults to "white". To make the background transparent, set this to "transparent". To make the background half transparent, set this to "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)". |
'white' |
position |
str |
The position of the HTML content on the map. Can be one of "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right". Defaults to "bottom-right". |
'bottom-right' |
**kwargs |
Union[str, int, float] |
Additional keyword arguments for future use. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_html(
html: str,
bg_color: str = "white",
position: str = "bottom-right",
**kwargs: Union[str, int, float],
) -> None:
Add HTML content to the map.
This method allows for the addition of arbitrary HTML content to the map, which can be used to display
custom information or controls. The background color and position of the HTML content can be customized.
html (str): The HTML content to add.
bg_color (str, optional): The background color of the HTML content. Defaults to "white".
To make the background transparent, set this to "transparent".
To make the background half transparent, set this to "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)".
position (str, optional): The position of the HTML content on the map. Can be one of "top-left",
"top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right". Defaults to "bottom-right".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for future use.
# Check if an HTML string contains local images and convert them to base64.
html = common.check_html_string(html)
self.add_text(html, position=position, bg_color=bg_color, **kwargs)
add_image(self, id=None, image=None, width=None, height=None, coordinates=None, position=None, icon_size=1.0, **kwargs)
Add an image to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
id |
str |
The layer ID of the image. |
None |
image |
Union[str, Dict, np.ndarray] |
The URL or local file path to the image, or a dictionary containing image data, or a numpy array representing the image. |
None |
width |
int |
The width of the image. Defaults to None. |
None |
height |
int |
The height of the image. Defaults to None. |
None |
coordinates |
List[float] |
The longitude and latitude coordinates to place the image. |
None |
position |
str |
The position of the image. Defaults to None. Can be one of 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left'. |
None |
icon_size |
float |
The size of the icon. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_image(
id: str = None,
image: Union[str, Dict] = None,
width: int = None,
height: int = None,
coordinates: List[float] = None,
position: str = None,
icon_size: float = 1.0,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add an image to the map.
id (str): The layer ID of the image.
image (Union[str, Dict, np.ndarray]): The URL or local file path to
the image, or a dictionary containing image data, or a numpy
array representing the image.
width (int, optional): The width of the image. Defaults to None.
height (int, optional): The height of the image. Defaults to None.
coordinates (List[float], optional): The longitude and latitude
coordinates to place the image.
position (str, optional): The position of the image. Defaults to None.
Can be one of 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left'.
icon_size (float, optional): The size of the icon. Defaults to 1.0.
import numpy as np
if id is None:
id = "image"
style = ""
if isinstance(width, int):
style += f"width: {width}px; "
elif isinstance(width, str) and width.endswith("px"):
style += f"width: {width}; "
if isinstance(height, int):
style += f"height: {height}px; "
elif isinstance(height, str) and height.endswith("px"):
style += f"height: {height}; "
if position is not None:
if style == "":
html = f'<img src="{image}">'
html = f'<img src="{image}" style="{style}">'
self.add_html(html, position=position, **kwargs)
if isinstance(image, str):
image_dict = self._read_image(image)
elif isinstance(image, dict):
image_dict = image
elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
image_dict = {
"width": width,
"height": height,
"data": image.flatten().tolist(),
raise ValueError(
"The image must be a URL, a local file path, or a numpy array."
super().add_call("addImage", id, image_dict)
if coordinates is not None:
source = {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": coordinates,
self.add_source("image_point", source)
kwargs["id"] = "image_points"
kwargs["type"] = "symbol"
kwargs["source"] = "image_point"
if "layout" not in kwargs:
kwargs["layout"] = {}
kwargs["layout"]["icon-image"] = id
kwargs["layout"]["icon-size"] = icon_size
add_layer(self, layer, before_id=None, name=None, opacity=1.0, visible=True)
Adds a layer to the map.
This method adds a layer to the map. If a name is provided, it is used as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. Otherwise, the layer's ID is used as the key. If a before_id is provided, the layer is inserted before the layer with that ID.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
layer |
Layer |
The layer object to add to the map. |
required |
before_id |
str |
The ID of an existing layer before which the new layer should be inserted. |
None |
name |
str |
The name to use as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. If None, the layer's ID is used as the key. |
None |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
visible |
bool |
Whether the layer is visible by default. |
True |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_layer(
layer: "Layer",
before_id: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
opacity: float = 1.0,
visible: bool = True,
) -> None:
Adds a layer to the map.
This method adds a layer to the map. If a name is provided, it is used
as the key to store the layer in the layer dictionary. Otherwise,
the layer's ID is used as the key. If a before_id is provided, the
layer is inserted before the layer with that ID.
layer (Layer): The layer object to add to the map.
before_id (str, optional): The ID of an existing layer before which
the new layer should be inserted.
name (str, optional): The name to use as the key to store the layer
in the layer dictionary. If None, the layer's ID is used as the key.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer is visible by default.
if isinstance(layer, dict):
if "minzoom" in layer:
layer["min-zoom"] = layer.pop("minzoom")
if "maxzoom" in layer:
layer["max-zoom"] = layer.pop("maxzoom")
layer = common.replace_top_level_hyphens(layer)
layer = Layer(**layer)
if name is None:
name =
if (
"paint" in layer.to_dict()
and f"{layer.type}-color" in layer.paint
and isinstance(layer.paint[f"{layer.type}-color"], str)
color = common.check_color(layer.paint[f"{layer.type}-color"])
color = None
self.layer_dict[name] = {
"layer": layer,
"opacity": opacity,
"visible": visible,
"type": layer.type,
"color": color,
super().add_layer(layer, before_id=before_id)
self.set_visibility(name, visible)
self.set_opacity(name, opacity)
add_layer_control(self, layer_ids=None, theme='default', css_text=None, position='top-left', bg_layers=False)
Adds a layer control to the map.
This function creates and adds a layer switcher control to the map, allowing users to toggle the visibility of specified layers. The appearance and functionality of the layer control can be customized with parameters such as theme, CSS styling, and position on the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
layer_ids |
Optional[List[str]] |
A list of layer IDs to include in the control. If None, all layers in the map will be included. Defaults to None. |
None |
theme |
str |
The theme for the layer switcher control. Can be "default" or other custom themes. Defaults to "default". |
'default' |
css_text |
Optional[str] |
Custom CSS text for styling the layer control. If None, a default style will be applied. Defaults to None. |
None |
position |
str |
The position of the layer control on the map. Can be "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", or "bottom-right". Defaults to "top-left". |
'top-left' |
bg_layers |
bool |
If True, background layers will be included in the control. Defaults to False. |
False |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_layer_control(
layer_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
theme: str = "default",
css_text: Optional[str] = None,
position: str = "top-left",
bg_layers: Optional[Union[bool, List[str]]] = False,
) -> None:
Adds a layer control to the map.
This function creates and adds a layer switcher control to the map, allowing users to toggle the visibility
of specified layers. The appearance and functionality of the layer control can be customized with parameters
such as theme, CSS styling, and position on the map.
layer_ids (Optional[List[str]]): A list of layer IDs to include in the control. If None, all layers
in the map will be included. Defaults to None.
theme (str): The theme for the layer switcher control. Can be "default" or other custom themes. Defaults to "default".
css_text (Optional[str]): Custom CSS text for styling the layer control. If None, a default style will be applied.
Defaults to None.
position (str): The position of the layer control on the map. Can be "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left",
or "bottom-right". Defaults to "top-left".
bg_layers (bool): If True, background layers will be included in the control. Defaults to False.
from maplibre.controls import LayerSwitcherControl
if layer_ids is None:
layer_ids = list(self.layer_dict.keys())
if layer_ids[0] == "background":
layer_ids = layer_ids[1:]
if isinstance(bg_layers, list):
layer_ids = bg_layers + layer_ids
elif bg_layers:
background_ids = list(self.style_dict.keys())
layer_ids = background_ids + layer_ids
if css_text is None:
css_text = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid darkgrey; border-radius: 4px;"
if len(layer_ids) > 0:
control = LayerSwitcherControl(
self.add_control(control, position=position)
add_legend(self, title='Legend', legend_dict=None, labels=None, colors=None, fontsize=15, bg_color='white', position='bottom-right', builtin_legend=None, shape_type='rectangle', **kwargs)
Adds a legend to the map.
This method allows for the addition of a legend to the map. The legend can be customized with a title, labels, colors, and more. A built-in legend can also be specified.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
title |
str |
The title of the legend. Defaults to "Legend". |
'Legend' |
legend_dict |
Optional[Dict[str, str]] |
A dictionary with legend items as keys and colors as values.
If provided, |
None |
labels |
Optional[List[str]] |
A list of legend labels. Defaults to None. |
None |
colors |
Optional[List[str]] |
A list of colors corresponding to the labels. Defaults to None. |
None |
fontsize |
int |
The font size of the legend text. Defaults to 15. |
15 |
bg_color |
str |
The background color of the legend. Defaults to "white". To make the background transparent, set this to "transparent". To make the background half transparent, set this to "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)". |
'white' |
position |
str |
The position of the legend on the map. Can be one of "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right". Defaults to "bottom-right". |
'bottom-right' |
builtin_legend |
Optional[str] |
The name of a built-in legend to use. Defaults to None. |
None |
shape_type |
str |
The shape type of the legend items. Can be one of "rectangle", "circle", or "line". |
'rectangle' |
**kwargs |
Union[str, int, float] |
Additional keyword arguments for future use. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_legend(
title: str = "Legend",
legend_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
colors: Optional[List[str]] = None,
fontsize: int = 15,
bg_color: str = "white",
position: str = "bottom-right",
builtin_legend: Optional[str] = None,
shape_type: str = "rectangle",
**kwargs: Union[str, int, float],
) -> None:
Adds a legend to the map.
This method allows for the addition of a legend to the map. The legend can be customized with a title,
labels, colors, and more. A built-in legend can also be specified.
title (str, optional): The title of the legend. Defaults to "Legend".
legend_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): A dictionary with legend items as keys and colors as values.
If provided, `labels` and `colors` will be ignored. Defaults to None.
labels (Optional[List[str]], optional): A list of legend labels. Defaults to None.
colors (Optional[List[str]], optional): A list of colors corresponding to the labels. Defaults to None.
fontsize (int, optional): The font size of the legend text. Defaults to 15.
bg_color (str, optional): The background color of the legend. Defaults to "white".
To make the background transparent, set this to "transparent".
To make the background half transparent, set this to "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)".
position (str, optional): The position of the legend on the map. Can be one of "top-left",
"top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right". Defaults to "bottom-right".
builtin_legend (Optional[str], optional): The name of a built-in legend to use. Defaults to None.
shape_type (str, optional): The shape type of the legend items. Can be one of "rectangle", "circle", or "line".
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for future use.
import importlib.resources
from .legends import builtin_legends
pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(importlib.resources.files("leafmap") / "")
legend_template = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "data/template/legend.html")
if not os.path.exists(legend_template):
print("The legend template does not exist.")
if labels is not None:
if not isinstance(labels, list):
print("The legend keys must be a list.")
labels = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "etc"]
if colors is not None:
if not isinstance(colors, list):
print("The legend colors must be a list.")
elif all(isinstance(item, tuple) for item in colors):
colors = [common.rgb_to_hex(x) for x in colors]
except Exception as e:
elif all((item.startswith("#") and len(item) == 7) for item in colors):
elif all((len(item) == 6) for item in colors):
print("The legend colors must be a list of tuples.")
colors = [
if len(labels) != len(colors):
print("The legend keys and values must be the same length.")
allowed_builtin_legends = builtin_legends.keys()
if builtin_legend is not None:
if builtin_legend not in allowed_builtin_legends:
"The builtin legend must be one of the following: {}".format(
", ".join(allowed_builtin_legends)
legend_dict = builtin_legends[builtin_legend]
labels = list(legend_dict.keys())
colors = list(legend_dict.values())
if legend_dict is not None:
if not isinstance(legend_dict, dict):
print("The legend dict must be a dictionary.")
labels = list(legend_dict.keys())
colors = list(legend_dict.values())
if isinstance(colors[0], tuple) and len(colors[0]) == 2:
labels = [color[0] for color in colors]
colors = [color[1] for color in colors]
if all(isinstance(item, tuple) for item in colors):
colors = [common.rgb_to_hex(x) for x in colors]
except Exception as e:
allowed_positions = [
if position not in allowed_positions:
"The position must be one of the following: {}".format(
", ".join(allowed_positions)
header = []
content = []
footer = []
with open(legend_template) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines[3] = lines[3].replace("Legend", title)
header = lines[:6]
footer = lines[11:]
for index, key in enumerate(labels):
color = colors[index]
if isinstance(color, str) and (not color.startswith("#")):
color = "#" + color
item = " <li><span style='background:{};'></span>{}</li>\n".format(
color, key
legend_html = header + content + footer
legend_text = "".join(legend_html)
if shape_type == "circle":
legend_text = legend_text.replace("width: 30px", "width: 16px")
legend_text = legend_text.replace(
"border: 1px solid #999;",
"border-radius: 50%;\n border: 1px solid #999;",
elif shape_type == "line":
legend_text = legend_text.replace("height: 16px", "height: 3px")
add_mapillary(self, minzoom=6, maxzoom=14, sequence_lyr_name='sequence', image_lyr_name='image', before_id=None, sequence_paint=None, image_paint=None, image_minzoom=17, add_popup=True, access_token=None)
Adds Mapillary layers to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
minzoom |
int |
Minimum zoom level for the Mapillary tiles. Defaults to 6. |
6 |
maxzoom |
int |
Maximum zoom level for the Mapillary tiles. Defaults to 14. |
14 |
sequence_lyr_name |
str |
Name of the sequence layer. Defaults to "sequence". |
'sequence' |
image_lyr_name |
str |
Name of the image layer. Defaults to "image". |
'image' |
before_id |
str |
The ID of an existing layer to insert the new layer before. Defaults to None. |
None |
sequence_paint |
dict |
Paint properties for the sequence layer. Defaults to None. |
None |
image_paint |
dict |
Paint properties for the image layer. Defaults to None. |
None |
image_minzoom |
int |
Minimum zoom level for the image layer. Defaults to 17. |
17 |
add_popup |
bool |
Whether to add popups to the layers. Defaults to True. |
True |
access_token |
str |
Access token for Mapillary API. Defaults to None. |
None |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If no access token is provided. |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_mapillary(
minzoom: int = 6,
maxzoom: int = 14,
sequence_lyr_name: str = "sequence",
image_lyr_name: str = "image",
before_id: str = None,
sequence_paint: dict = None,
image_paint: dict = None,
image_minzoom: int = 17,
add_popup: bool = True,
access_token: str = None,
) -> None:
Adds Mapillary layers to the map.
minzoom (int): Minimum zoom level for the Mapillary tiles. Defaults to 6.
maxzoom (int): Maximum zoom level for the Mapillary tiles. Defaults to 14.
sequence_lyr_name (str): Name of the sequence layer. Defaults to "sequence".
image_lyr_name (str): Name of the image layer. Defaults to "image".
before_id (str): The ID of an existing layer to insert the new layer before. Defaults to None.
sequence_paint (dict, optional): Paint properties for the sequence layer. Defaults to None.
image_paint (dict, optional): Paint properties for the image layer. Defaults to None.
image_minzoom (int): Minimum zoom level for the image layer. Defaults to 17.
add_popup (bool): Whether to add popups to the layers. Defaults to True.
access_token (str, optional): Access token for Mapillary API. Defaults to None.
ValueError: If no access token is provided.
if access_token is None:
access_token = common.get_api_key("MAPILLARY_API_KEY")
if access_token is None:
raise ValueError("An access token is required to use Mapillary.")
url = f"{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}?access_token={access_token}"
source = {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": [url],
"minzoom": minzoom,
"maxzoom": maxzoom,
self.add_source("mapillary", source)
if sequence_paint is None:
sequence_paint = {
"line-opacity": 0.6,
"line-color": "#35AF6D",
"line-width": 2,
if image_paint is None:
image_paint = {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#3388ff",
"circle-stroke-color": "#ffffff",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
sequence_lyr = {
"id": sequence_lyr_name,
"type": "line",
"source": "mapillary",
"source-layer": "sequence",
"layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
"paint": sequence_paint,
image_lyr = {
"id": image_lyr_name,
"type": "circle",
"source": "mapillary",
"source-layer": "image",
"paint": image_paint,
"minzoom": image_minzoom,
self.add_layer(sequence_lyr, name=sequence_lyr_name, before_id=before_id)
self.add_layer(image_lyr, name=image_lyr_name, before_id=before_id)
if add_popup:
add_marker(self, marker=None, lng_lat=[], popup={}, options={})
Adds a marker to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
marker |
Marker |
A Marker object. Defaults to None. |
None |
lng_lat |
List[Union[float, float]] |
A list of two floats representing the longitude and latitude of the marker. |
[] |
popup |
Optional[str] |
The text to display in a popup when the marker is clicked. Defaults to None. |
{} |
options |
Optional[Dict] |
A dictionary of options to customize the marker. Defaults to None. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_marker(
marker: Marker = None,
lng_lat: List[Union[float, float]] = [],
popup: Optional[Dict] = {},
options: Optional[Dict] = {},
) -> None:
Adds a marker to the map.
marker (Marker, optional): A Marker object. Defaults to None.
lng_lat (List[Union[float, float]]): A list of two floats
representing the longitude and latitude of the marker.
popup (Optional[str], optional): The text to display in a popup when
the marker is clicked. Defaults to None.
options (Optional[Dict], optional): A dictionary of options to
customize the marker. Defaults to None.
if marker is None:
marker = Marker(lng_lat=lng_lat, popup=popup, options=options)
add_nlcd(self, years=[2023], add_legend=True, **kwargs)
Adds National Land Cover Database (NLCD) data to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
years |
list |
A list of years to add. It can be any of 1985-2023. Defaults to [2023]. |
[2023] |
add_legend |
bool |
Whether to add a legend to the map. Defaults to True. |
True |
**kwargs |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_cog_layer method. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_nlcd(self, years: list = [2023], add_legend: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None:
Adds National Land Cover Database (NLCD) data to the map.
years (list): A list of years to add. It can be any of 1985-2023. Defaults to [2023].
add_legend (bool): Whether to add a legend to the map. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the add_cog_layer method.
allowed_years = list(range(1985, 2024, 1))
url = (
if "colormap" not in kwargs:
kwargs["colormap"] = {
"11": "#466b9f",
"12": "#d1def8",
"21": "#dec5c5",
"22": "#d99282",
"23": "#eb0000",
"24": "#ab0000",
"31": "#b3ac9f",
"41": "#68ab5f",
"42": "#1c5f2c",
"43": "#b5c58f",
"51": "#af963c",
"52": "#ccb879",
"71": "#dfdfc2",
"72": "#d1d182",
"73": "#a3cc51",
"74": "#82ba9e",
"81": "#dcd939",
"82": "#ab6c28",
"90": "#b8d9eb",
"95": "#6c9fb8",
if "zoom_to_layer" not in kwargs:
kwargs["zoom_to_layer"] = False
for year in years:
if year not in allowed_years:
raise ValueError(f"Year must be one of {allowed_years}.")
year_url = url.format(year)
self.add_cog_layer(year_url, name=f"NLCD {year}", **kwargs)
if add_legend:
self.add_legend(title="NLCD Land Cover Type", builtin_legend="NLCD")
add_overture_3d_buildings(self, release='2024-10-23', style=None, values=None, colors=None, visible=True, opacity=1.0, tooltip=True, template='simple', fit_bounds=False, **kwargs)
Add 3D buildings from Overture Maps to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
release |
Optional[str] |
The release date of the Overture Maps data. Defaults to "2024-10-23". For more info, see |
'2024-10-23' |
style |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
The style dictionary for the buildings. Defaults to None. |
None |
values |
Optional[List[int]] |
List of height values for color interpolation. Defaults to None. |
None |
colors |
Optional[List[str]] |
List of colors corresponding to the height values. Defaults to None. |
None |
visible |
bool |
Whether the buildings layer is visible. Defaults to True. |
True |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the buildings layer. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
tooltip |
bool |
Whether to show tooltips on the buildings. Defaults to True. |
True |
template |
str |
The template for the tooltip. It can be "simple" or "all". Defaults to "simple". |
'simple' |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to fit the map bounds to the buildings layer. Defaults to False. |
False |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the length of values and colors lists are not the same. |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_overture_3d_buildings(
release: Optional[str] = "2024-10-23",
style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
values: Optional[List[int]] = None,
colors: Optional[List[str]] = None,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
tooltip: bool = True,
template: str = "simple",
fit_bounds: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add 3D buildings from Overture Maps to the map.
release (Optional[str], optional): The release date of the Overture Maps data.
Defaults to "2024-10-23". For more info, see
style (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The style dictionary for
the buildings. Defaults to None.
values (Optional[List[int]], optional): List of height values for
color interpolation. Defaults to None.
colors (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of colors corresponding
to the height values. Defaults to None.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the buildings layer is visible.
Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the buildings layer.
Defaults to 1.0.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the buildings.
Defaults to True.
template (str, optional): The template for the tooltip. It can be
"simple" or "all". Defaults to "simple".
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to fit the map bounds to the
buildings layer. Defaults to False.
ValueError: If the length of values and colors lists are not the same.
url = f"{release}/buildings.pmtiles"
if template == "simple":
template = "Name: {{@name}}<br>Subtype: {{subtype}}<br>Class: {{class}}<br>Height: {{height}}"
elif template == "all":
template = None
if style is None:
if values is None:
values = [0, 200, 400]
if colors is None:
colors = ["lightgray", "royalblue", "lightblue"]
if len(values) != len(colors):
raise ValueError("The values and colors must have the same length.")
value_color_pairs = []
for i, value in enumerate(values):
style = {
"layers": [
"id": "Building",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": "fill-extrusion",
"filter": [
["get", "height"],
], # only show buildings with height info
"paint": {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", "height"],
+ value_color_pairs,
"fill-extrusion-height": ["*", ["get", "height"], 1],
"id": "Building-part",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building_part",
"type": "fill-extrusion",
"filter": [
["get", "height"],
], # only show buildings with height info
"paint": {
"fill-extrusion-color": [
["get", "height"],
+ value_color_pairs,
"fill-extrusion-height": ["*", ["get", "height"], 1],
add_overture_buildings(self, release='2024-12-18', style=None, type='line', visible=True, opacity=1.0, tooltip=True, fit_bounds=False, **kwargs)
Add Overture Maps data to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
release |
str |
The release date of the data. Defaults to "2024-12-18". For more info, see |
'2024-12-18' |
style |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
The style dictionary for the data. Defaults to None. |
None |
type |
str |
The type of the data. It can be "line" or "fill". |
'line' |
visible |
bool |
Whether the data layer is visible. Defaults to True. |
True |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the data layer. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
tooltip |
bool |
Whether to show tooltips on the data. Defaults to True. |
True |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to fit the map bounds to the data layer. Defaults to False. |
False |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments for the paint properties. |
{} |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_overture_buildings(
release: str = "2024-12-18",
style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
type: str = "line",
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
tooltip: bool = True,
fit_bounds: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add Overture Maps data to the map.
release (str, optional): The release date of the data. Defaults to
"2024-12-18". For more info, see
style (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The style dictionary for
the data. Defaults to None.
type (str, optional): The type of the data. It can be "line" or "fill".
visible (bool, optional): Whether the data layer is visible. Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the data layer. Defaults to 1.0.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the data.
Defaults to True.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to fit the map bounds to the
data layer. Defaults to False.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the paint properties.
url = f"{release}/buildings.pmtiles"
kwargs = common.replace_underscores_in_keys(kwargs)
if type == "line":
if "line-color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line-color"] = "#ff0000"
if "line-width" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line-width"] = 1
if "line-opacity" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line-opacity"] = opacity
elif type == "fill":
if "fill-color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["fill-color"] = "#6ea299"
if "fill-opacity" not in kwargs:
kwargs["fill-opacity"] = opacity
if style is None:
style = {
"layers": [
"id": "Building",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": type,
"paint": kwargs,
"id": "Building_part",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building_part",
"type": type,
"paint": kwargs,
add_overture_data(self, release='2024-12-18', theme='buildings', style=None, visible=True, opacity=1.0, tooltip=True, fit_bounds=False, **kwargs)
Add Overture Maps data to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
release |
str |
The release date of the data. Defaults to "2024-12-28". For more info, see |
'2024-12-18' |
theme |
str |
The theme of the data. It can be one of the following: "addresses", "base", "buildings", "divisions", "places", "transportation". Defaults to "buildings". |
'buildings' |
style |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
The style dictionary for the data. Defaults to None. |
None |
visible |
bool |
Whether the data layer is visible. Defaults to True. |
True |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the data layer. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
tooltip |
bool |
Whether to show tooltips on the data. Defaults to True. |
True |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to fit the map bounds to the data layer. Defaults to False. |
False |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments for the add_pmtiles method. |
{} |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the theme is not one of the allowed themes. |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_overture_data(
release: str = "2024-12-18",
theme: str = "buildings",
style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
tooltip: bool = True,
fit_bounds: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Add Overture Maps data to the map.
release (str, optional): The release date of the data. Defaults to
"2024-12-28". For more info, see
theme (str, optional): The theme of the data. It can be one of the following:
"addresses", "base", "buildings", "divisions", "places", "transportation".
Defaults to "buildings".
style (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The style dictionary for
the data. Defaults to None.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the data layer is visible. Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the data layer. Defaults to 1.0.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the data.
Defaults to True.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to fit the map bounds to the
data layer. Defaults to False.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the add_pmtiles method.
ValueError: If the theme is not one of the allowed themes.
allowed_themes = [
if theme not in allowed_themes:
raise ValueError(
f"The theme must be one of the following: {', '.join(allowed_themes)}"
styles = {
"addresses": {
"layers": [
"id": "Address",
"source": "addresses",
"source-layer": "address",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"base": {
"layers": [
"id": "Infrastructure",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "infrastructure",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#8DD3C7",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Land",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "land",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#FFFFB3",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Land_cover",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "land_cover",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#BEBADA",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Land_use",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "land_use",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#FB8072",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Water",
"source": "base",
"source-layer": "water",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#80B1D3",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"buildings": {
"layers": [
"id": "Building",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#6ea299",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Building_part",
"source": "buildings",
"source-layer": "building_part",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#fdfdb2",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"divisions": {
"layers": [
"id": "Division",
"source": "divisions",
"source-layer": "division",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"id": "Division_area",
"source": "divisions",
"source-layer": "division_area",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#FFFFB3",
"fill-opacity": 1.0,
"fill-outline-color": "#888888",
"id": "Division_boundary",
"source": "divisions",
"source-layer": "division_boundary",
"type": "line",
"paint": {
"line-color": "#BEBADA",
"line-width": 1.0,
"places": {
"layers": [
"id": "Place",
"source": "places",
"source-layer": "place",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"transportation": {
"layers": [
"id": "Segment",
"source": "transportation",
"source-layer": "segment",
"type": "line",
"paint": {
"line-color": "#ffffb3",
"line-width": 1.0,
"id": "Connector",
"source": "transportation",
"source-layer": "connector",
"type": "circle",
"paint": {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-color": "#8dd3c7",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
url = f"{release}/{theme}.pmtiles"
if style is None:
style = styles.get(theme, None)
add_pmtiles(self, url, style=None, visible=True, opacity=1.0, exclude_mask=False, tooltip=True, properties=None, template=None, attribution='PMTiles', fit_bounds=True, **kwargs)
Adds a PMTiles layer to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
url |
str |
The URL of the PMTiles file. |
required |
style |
dict |
The CSS style to apply to the layer. Defaults to None. See for more info. |
None |
visible |
bool |
Whether the layer should be shown initially. Defaults to True. |
True |
opacity |
float |
The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0. |
1.0 |
exclude_mask |
bool |
Whether to exclude the mask layer. Defaults to False. |
False |
tooltip |
bool |
Whether to show tooltips on the layer. Defaults to True. |
True |
properties |
dict |
The properties to use for the tooltips. Defaults to None. |
None |
template |
str |
The template to use for the tooltips. Defaults to None. |
None |
attribution |
str |
The attribution to use for the layer. Defaults to 'PMTiles'. |
'PMTiles' |
fit_bounds |
bool |
Whether to zoom to the layer extent. Defaults to True. |
True |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the PMTilesLayer constructor. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in leafmap/
def add_pmtiles(
url: str,
style: Optional[Dict] = None,
visible: bool = True,
opacity: float = 1.0,
exclude_mask: bool = False,
tooltip: bool = True,
properties: Optional[Dict] = None,
template: Optional[str] = None,
attribution: str = "PMTiles",
fit_bounds: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Adds a PMTiles layer to the map.
url (str): The URL of the PMTiles file.
style (dict, optional): The CSS style to apply to the layer. Defaults to None.
See for more info.
visible (bool, optional): Whether the layer should be shown initially. Defaults to True.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity of the layer. Defaults to 1.0.
exclude_mask (bool, optional): Whether to exclude the mask layer. Defaults to False.
tooltip (bool, optional): Whether to show tooltips on the layer. Defaults to True.
properties (dict, optional): The properties to use for the tooltips. Defaults to None.
template (str, optional): The template to use for the tooltips. Defaults to None.
attribution (str, optional): The attribution to use for the layer. Defaults to 'PMTiles'.
fit_bounds (bool, optional): Whether to zoom to the layer extent. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the PMTilesLayer constructor.
if "sources" in kwargs:
del kwargs["sources"]
if "version" in kwargs:
del kwargs["version"]
pmtiles_source = {
"type": "vector",
"url": f"pmtiles://{url}",
"attribution": attribution,
if style is None:
style = common.pmtiles_style(url)
if "sources" in style:
source_name = list(style["sources"].keys())[0]
elif "layers" in style:
source_name = style["layers"][0]["source"]
source_name = "source"
self.add_source(source_name, pmtiles_source)
style = common.replace_hyphens_in_keys(style)
for params in style["layers"]:
if exclude_mask and params.get("source_layer") == "mask":
layer = Layer(**params)
self.set_visibility(params["id"], visible)
if "paint" in params:
for key in params["paint"]:
if "opacity" in key:
self.set_opacity(params["id"], params["paint"][key])
self.set_opacity(params["id"], opacity)